Hello to all,
I am quite new to the Dynamics community, and currently "experimenting" with the Sharepoint Integration of MS Dynamics. So sorry in case of any newbee question.
I have activated the SharePoint intergration, and it works quite finde. Now, I want to merge some entities, say two accounts, that have some integrated domuments with them. Say account 1 has doc A and B in folder XXX, and account 2 has a document C in folder YYY. Both folders are in the same library, i.e., Sharepoint webpage.
After a merge, the document location will stay the same, so the document have to be checked manually under "document location".
As this is not very user friendly (and not needed in our case), I am looking for some best practices when it comes to entity merges with activated Sharepoint integration:
- Is it possible without programming (and only by customizing) to set the view in "document location" to "All Locations", and hide the other ones?
- Is it possible without programming (and only by customizing) to merge the folders of the merged entities in just one common folder?
Best regards
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