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Removing all custom dashboards

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I have a custom application and tried to add a dashboard for one of the tables. After some experiments I realized that I don't need that dashboard but seems can't delete it because of recursive limitations.
If I'm trying to delete that dashboard there is a warning of depencies, which says about presence of the dashboard in the application.
It's true, there is such connection. So, I go to the application designer and try to delete it. Actually there is a list where you have to uncheck the unnecessary dashboard.
And here is the trick. I can't turn off that single dashboard from the table's components because of warning that at least one item must be marked.
The deal is just in this limitation, not in the certain 'broken' dashboard. I can freely create another dashboard and delete it just after that. Or, as it will be automatically added to the component list, I can unlock the 'old' dashboard and delete it. But there will be always the last one dashboard that I wish to delete but can't release it from the app dependency.
Thus, I suppose I'm not only stuck with this unused dashboard but will not be able to delete the related table too. I'd like not having extra trash in my solution even if it's not seen for the users.
Is there a way to solve this puzzle or I've stepped on a core bug?
  • Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    Removing all custom dashboards
    Hi Partner,
    I understand you completely.
    Maybe you can create a ticket for the Microsoft Support team for further assistance, they may be able to confirm this in more detail.
  • Removing all custom dashboards
    Thanks, Leah Ju for your reply. Yes indeed, there was a setting 'All' but my custom dashboard wasn't blocked till I manually turned it on. Without any custom dashboard present, 'All' means some kind of 'unspecified' state which you need to activate by selecting a new dashboard or unchecking/checking All. The result on the screenshot is my hopeless attempt to turn off All.
    So, you confirm that all is like it looks and there is no way to clear the solution of all custom dashboards once you've added one?
    However, I can't agree with the conclusion that all are design. I consider this issue as a functional bug because have no idea why it may be so crucial to preserve at least one dashboard once it's added despite the absence of dependencies. If so, we might have been expected some automatic creation of the default dashboard alongside the creation of the table, like the forms and views are. And the matter is not that I'm unable to delete the dashboard but that this issue blocks another table item - the chart, and the table itself too. I think it's a bad design to accumulate unnecessary stuff, especially with using a Dataverse approach.
  • Suggested answer
    Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    Removing all custom dashboards
    Hi Partner,
    When an app is created, all selected is default for dashboard.
    Once you created one dashboard, it will be selected by default.
    And this message will appear if you want to remove the only one dashboard.
    All are design.

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