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How to retrieve data job download guid from power automate or logic app?

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Hi D365 community!!

I'm working on exporting D365 FO data to 3rd party cloud service folder with power automate, after downloading the file, I would like to rename it with the guid of 'download data job' as it's from D365 FO, see the below image, click on the download package (data management> data project > job history > select job ID >download package) , you'll have a zip package with a fixed guid number, I would like to know what is this number? and where does this guid number come from? Is it possible to to retrieve it from power automate or logic apps? 

Thanks a lot for any precious hints or insights!!


  • Suggested answer
    Shawnsauve Profile Picture
    Shawnsauve 1,089 on at
    RE: How to retrieve data job download guid from power automate or logic app?

    Hey there! When you download a package from Data Management in D365 FO, you'll notice that the file name has a GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) appended to it. This GUID is a unique identifier that is assigned to the package when it's created in D365 FO.

    The GUID is generated by D365 FO and is used to ensure that each package has a unique identifier. This is important because it helps to prevent any potential conflicts or data loss that could occur if two packages had the same name.

    In terms of retrieving the GUID from Power Automate or Logic Apps, it's possible to do so by using the "List Data Management Package" action. This action will return a list of all the packages that have been created in D365 FO, along with their associated GUIDs.

    You can then use the GUID to rename the downloaded file using Power Automate or Logic Apps. To do this, you can use the "Rename File" action and set the new file name to include the GUID.

  • devfv Profile Picture
    devfv 15 on at
    RE: How to retrieve data job download guid from power automate or logic app?

    Hi Parag!

    Thank you !! definitely will try it out!! would this flow upload only main xml file to FTP?

    other question is , any idea how to add this guid to the xml file after <Message ID>?

  • Suggested answer
    Parag Chapre Profile Picture
    Parag Chapre 12,248 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: How to retrieve data job download guid from power automate or logic app?

    Hi Devfv,

    You can achieve this by using Power automate or Logic Apps.

    Please check my blog post on this.

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