Hi Kumar
The segment you denote to use in your screen shot is found under Inventory Control Setup.
When setting up inventory you can select any segment.
Then when you setup sites, you assign a site to a specific number to denote that site.
So for example you have a chart of accounts like this XX-XXX-XXXX
First Segment Location
Second Segment Department
third segment Main account
In the site setup you create a record for each site and assign your sites to their corresponding number that you setup in the GL
When you enter your inventory items you assign a default GL account number (Inventory, COGS, Sales etc.)
When you purchase or sell an item, account masking will take place and insert the variable for the site into the string.
For example, inventory is 00-000-1500
when you purchase to site 10 the account should insert as 10-000-1500
If you purchase for site 20 it should show up as 20-000-1500
The same goes on the sales side.
Note that the GL must exist for the account masking to take place otherwise, the default GL account will be used.
An example would be that you only record sales to the sales department and not by site.
The GL account for sales is 00-200-4000
When you sell from site 10, there is no GL account setup called 10-400-4000 so the default account on the item is used 00-200-4000
Try this out in a test company, with two or three sites and two or three items.