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Custom Workflow Activity (plug-in) not picking up data in new fields. (Possibly after 2020 Wave enabled?)

Posted on by 112

We have a custom workflow activity that has been working for over a year since first deployed. It picks up numerous data fields from an Opportunity record to pass to a web API. Maybe four or five months ago we modified it to include two additional fields with no problems.

This week we added four new attributes to the Opportunity entity: one text, one option set (using the same global option set as an existing field in the plug-in), and two lookup fields (similar to about 8 other existing fields).

The custom workflow activity is not picking up the data values of any of our new fields. The code works otherwise – all other data fields are transferred as expected. We changed the logic in one of the new fields to pick up the value of an existing field and that worked.

The result in the plug-in trace log contains the fields defined, but these new ones are “” and not populated with any value, which all of the existing fields contain data values.

My speculation is that the during the time between our first change and these changes something changed with the way new fields are seen.  The big change has been taking the 2020 Wave 1 update prior to making the plug-in changes.

Note: I am not a developer.

In the code we have this, which looks to me like the line that sets up the helper to see the Opportunity entity. The fetchQuery has the four new fields in it, and the query pulls data via advanced find.

helper = new CRMHelper();

                       EntityCollection entityCollection = helper.GetEntityCollectionByFetchQuery(fetchQuery, tracingService, Convert.ToString(context.PrimaryEntityId), service);

Is there something missing, preventing these new fields from returning data? Was there a change to CDS or with the Wave 1 update, which we have already applied?

Thanks in advance to any assistance you can provide.


  • Suggested answer
    RE: Custom Workflow Activity (plug-in) not picking up data in new fields. (Possibly after 2020 Wave enabled?)

    Hello Steve,

    Are you still facing this issue or suggested steps by Mehdi helped in resolving it ?

  • Suggested answer
    meelamri Profile Picture
    meelamri 13,204 User Group Leader on at
    RE: Custom Workflow Activity (plug-in) not picking up data in new fields. (Possibly after 2020 Wave enabled?)


    Rebuild your project 

    Deploy your custom workflox

    In Plugin registration tool, search your custom workflow. In the propreties tab, Click save. 

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