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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

report writer - linking new tables - internet addresses table onto a packing slip

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hi folks

I would like to add the internet addresses SY01200 table to the packing slip so that I can print the INetInfo field on my packing slip.

The window in GP has the customer ID and the address ID that are both going to be on the packing slip so you would think you could do the link.

Relationships in report writer however are not showing those fields.  I am also challenged by how to link the master type = CUS to tell the internet addresses table that I want a customer.

Any assistance in setting up the link would be appreciated.

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  • Verified answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: report writer - linking new tables - internet addresses table onto a packing slip


    You retrieved Internet Address information from C Tanguay or you can create a custom RW function based on suggested sql query by @Harry

  • Suggested answer
    Redbeard Profile Picture
    Redbeard 12,931 on at
    RE: report writer - linking new tables - internet addresses table onto a packing slip

    I don't think you need to tell it you want a customer, because you're going to only return records where the Customer ID matches the Master_ID in the SY01200 table.  It looks like this in SQL:

    select EmailToAddress, INET1,* from RM00101

    inner join SY01200 on rm00101.CUSTNMBR = sy01200.Master_ID

    and sy01200.Master_Type = 'CUS'

    I tested and you don't need to use the Master_Type field (last line of the query) to restrict the outcome unless your CUSTNMBR is the same as an Item Number, Vendor Number, etc.

    You should be aware the EmailToAddress field and INET1 field contain email data depending on where a person records the information in the Internet Information Window.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: report writer - linking new tables - internet addresses table onto a packing slip


    David Musgrave has a great post on this you should check out.

    Good luck!

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