I am not able to any of my employees' salary/earning history in "Earnings History" tab. GP help is telling me the following, but I am unable to get through past #3.
Viewing, changing, or deleting an employee earnings history record
Use the Earnings History window to view an employee’s earnings history records, including effective date, pay rate, and the estimated annual salary for each pay code. To change earnings history, you must mark Edit Attendance History and Earnings History in the Human Resources Preferences window. You also can delete one earnings history record or an employee’s entire earnings history.
To view, change, or delete an employee earnings history record:
- Open the Earnings History window.
(Cards >> Human Resources >> Employee >> Earnings History) - Enter or select an employee ID and a pay code.
- To view all pay records for this employee, mark Display All Pay Records.
- You can change the Increase Reason field. The information is saved automatically.
- To delete an earnings history record, select the record and choose Edit >> Delete Row.
- To delete an employee’s entire earnings history, choose Delete.
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