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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Earnings History - HR/Payroll

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I am not able to any of my employees' salary/earning history in "Earnings History" tab. GP help is telling me the following, but I am unable to get through past #3.


Viewing, changing, or deleting an employee earnings history record

Use the Earnings History window to view an employee’s earnings history records, including effective date, pay rate, and the estimated annual salary for each pay code. To change earnings history, you must mark Edit Attendance History and Earnings History in the Human Resources Preferences window. You also can delete one earnings history record or an employee’s entire earnings history.

To view, change, or delete an employee earnings history record:

  1. Open the Earnings History window.
    (Cards >> Human Resources >> Employee >> Earnings History)
  2. Enter or select an employee ID and a pay code.
  3. To view all pay records for this employee, mark Display All Pay Records.
  4. You can change the Increase Reason field. The information is saved automatically.
  5. To delete an earnings history record, select the record and choose Edit >> Delete Row.
  6. To delete an employee’s entire earnings history, choose Delete.

*This post is locked for comments

  • Brenda Willey Profile Picture
    Brenda Willey 2,512 on at
    RE: Earnings History - HR/Payroll

    My earnings history show nothing.  Is there a setting where you turn it on??

  • RE: Earnings History - HR/Payroll

    Has anyone ever even looked at this?  Is Canadian Payroll the child that has been totally and utterly forgtotten?

    I only ask as we have a client with exactly the same issue to this day, not back in 2009, but with GP2013 R2 code installed.

    We did a conversion from GP2010 to GP2013 for the express purpose of moving this client to Human Resources, but it looks like this might be a huge waste of time.  

    Can anyone tell me (prefer from Microsoft) that HR will / could / might / may EVER work with Canadian Payroll, or should I tell the client that they are right to consider dumping the payroll system that they currently hate due to all the bugs and lack of features and poor reports and - well I got a blasting from the new director of HR and let me tell you, she could care less that they have been on GP since 1994 - she could care less that the software would not cost her anything, she simply puts it - I want a solution taht works, and this is not even close.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: Re: Re: Earnings History - HR/Payroll


    Effective Date will not be displayed in Pay Code window. Because it is available on the fly when you change a pay rate in the pay code window and then Hit Save. It will then ask you if you want to roll down the changes to all pay rates associated with it after which it displays a window where you MUST enter Effective date as well as Reason for change since both are mandatory.  


  • Jennie Yoon Profile Picture
    Jennie Yoon 90 on at
    Re: Re: Earnings History - HR/Payroll

    That clarifies a lot, thank you!

    My next question then would be how do you select the "Effective Date" in Pay Code Maintenance?  I am having difficulty finding the button for it.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: Earnings History - HR/Payroll


    The Earnings History in Human Resources module displays the historical data on employee pay rate changes alongwith reason for change and so on. You can only modify the reason for change in Earnings History window provided You have specified the option to Edit the Attendance and Earnings History info in HR Preferences setup (Setup=>System=?HR Preferences)

    Now, Your question is related to displaying data in Earnings History window. Here, first time when you load HR module, it wouldn't have any data. Once you start making changes to Employee pay code maintenance, those changes will them start to get displayed in this window.

    Say for example, You modified an EE "Y" pay rate to $25000 annually from present salary $22,500 in Paycode Maintenance (Cards=>HR=>Emploee=>Pay Code) and the effective date is say from Yesterday, it'd display the same info in Earnings History. However, if you roll down any post dated Pay Rate, that info wouldn't be available until that effective date comes. That means, say, you setup a post dated pay rate with an effective date of 07/01/09, it wouldnt be displayed in Earnings History until that date and only display those records for which effective date is gone.

    Hope this helps! 





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