My environment is currently running a Dynamics 365 Online CRM production and Sandbox instance.
We have developed many customizations (custom entities, entity fields, option sets, plugins, workflows, actions, web resources, javascript, ribbons, etc..) which are defined in an unmanaged solution in the Sandbox instance.
Our process is to test our customizations in Sandbox and when we're satisfied in stability we export the customizations defined in the Sandbox solution and import it into Production as a managed solution.
It's been almost a year and now there's a pretty big difference in the data in the Sandbox and Production instances.
With the goal of have a testing environment with a copy of our live data and as backup we were planning on overwriting the Sandbox instance with a copy of the Production instance.
Once that happens the concern becomes how do manage the solution in the new Sandbox which is now managed, since it's a copy from production. We can create a new solution for new customizations, but my concern becomes what happens if lets say I want to remove a webresource defined in the managed solution as it's no longer needed? Is that possible? What's the recommended approach to these type of scenarios?
Thanks for any insight anyone can provide.
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