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Microsoft Dynamics SL (Archived)

SL 2015 WebApps Control Parameter Features not working

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Using latest SL 2015 WebApps build 092818MD, I am finding there are 3 "WA" Control Parameter flags that do not seem to have an impact on the Timecard display:

DIS-TIMECARD-GRID-DESC (I believe this should control the ability to display the Description field in the TimeCard grid)

DIS-TIMECARD-GRID-DI-BTN (I believe this should control the ability to display the Day Info/OT button on the TimeCard)

DIS-TIMECARD-GRID-IC-BTN (I believe this should control the ability to display the Invoice Comments button on the TimeCard)

Looking at the available source code, I am not able to determine how this should work, or if code changes are required to allow the functions to work correctly.  I also don't see the above control parameters in any of the documentation (Release Notes, Deployment or User Guide) that comes with the code.

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  • MARC_ Profile Picture
    MARC_ 620 on at
    RE: SL 2015 WebApps Control Parameter Features not working

    You got it...I just hid the whole .DSLGridAction using css and put my own custom buttons above the grid.

    Have fun!


  • Mark E Profile Picture
    Mark E 6,405 on at
    RE: SL 2015 WebApps Control Parameter Features not working

    Figured this one out too.  This is a case where if the documentation was updated to include the functionality, I would not have been chasing shadows.  There are 2 "Day Info" and "Invoice Comments" buttons on the TimeCard.  One of each at the Day level (grid), and one of each for the entire TC.  Not knowing the buttons existed for each day, I assumed the buttons that could be disabled were for the entire TC.  Setting the Control Parameters to Y disables the small buttons in the Grid.  In hindsight, I guess if I read the "GRID" portion of the CP's more closely, I should have picked up on that....ugh.  I also assumed the DI and IC in those CP's was just shorthand due to field length.

    Also have to remember to logout/login after each change for it to take effect....

    Looks like I'll be modifying the code to disable the other buttons.


  • MARC_ Profile Picture
    MARC_ 620 on at
    RE: SL 2015 WebApps Control Parameter Features not working


    Hi Mark,

    I see the code to disable the buttons in MyAssignments....if they are disabled, then you get the OTLabel and Entry. 

    If they aren't then you get the Buttons along with the OTlabel and entry.


    ps - i'm not on this version, so not sure if it funcitons as it should - just that the code is there. 

  • Mark E Profile Picture
    Mark E 6,405 on at
    RE: SL 2015 WebApps Control Parameter Features not working

    OK, I figured out the Detail Grid Description issue, had to do with the Field Level access rights of the MDTMTCE screen, MYASSIGNMENTS page.  Made sure those settings for Description (Detail) field were set to at least Visible/Enabled and it worked (only for new TC's though, existing TC's that are open do not show the field).  There are multiple Groups we are dealing with, so each Group needed tweaking.  Still no idea about disabling the other buttons at this point.

  • Mark E Profile Picture
    Mark E 6,405 on at
    RE: SL 2015 WebApps Control Parameter Features not working


    Thanks.  I have been reviewing the source code, and have seen those lines of code (and others), but am not able to figure out why it is not working.  DIS-TIMECARD-GRID-DESC is set to "N", and I have the 7 Day flag unchecked, so I would think a Description field would appear in the TimeCard grid with every new row (it does not).  Maybe that is not what is intended by the Control Parameter?

    On the "DI" and "IC" buttons, I don't see any code that would allow for disabling either of those 2 buttons.  I can attempt to write my own code to do it, but wanted to make sure those Control Parameter options were not already supposed to work, and I am just missing something else.

  • MARC_ Profile Picture
    MARC_ 620 on at
    RE: SL 2015 WebApps Control Parameter Features not working

    Hi Mark,

    Web Apps handles these by looking up the values on initialization of the module; so in the Project Timecard Controller (InitializeSession) it looks up the value of the setting in Control Parameter which is then assigned to a UIHelper Property.  

    The UIHelper is what is then used in vbhtml to control what shows on the page.

    Search the entire solution for 'DIS-TIMECARD-GRID-DESC' and you'll see that the value of  is assigned to   ProjectTimecardUIHelper.DisableTimecardGridDesc in line 7773 of PTC.

     ProjectTimecardUIHelper.DisableTimecardGridDesc = Trim(UIHelper.Get_PJCONTRL("WA", "DIS-TIMECARD-GRID-DESC", UIHelper.LoginSession))

    Then search the solution for that Helper and you'll see it used in MyAssignments to control whether the description is shown in the grid 

    @If Model.InnerTimecard.GreaterThan7DayPeriodFlag <> "Y" AndAlso ProjectTimecardUIHelper.DisableTimecardGridDesc <> "Y" Then
            @Html.GridBeginField("Description", UIHelper.Resources.GetString("Description"), "DSLTextArea", False)
            @Html.DSLTextArea(" ", "TimecardPFTLines.Description", "", 30, BehaviorState.Enabled, "DSLRestrictInput DescriptionEntry")@* the space is required in the first parm for form view field label to display*@
    End If

    Similar logic for other lookups...


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