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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

IM - ADO Field in Nothing

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Posted on by 1,175

I have an integration in IM 11.00.1528 with uses an advance SQL query which has run correctly for several months including last Friday. This morning we are getting an error "ADO Field is nothing" when trying to run the integration, preview the data or update the columns. I had tried creating a new odbc connecton in IM with no effect. What would cause a running odbc connection in IM to quit running?


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  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: IM - ADO Field in Nothing

    I saved the file once again and noticed that from IM the file was not in the folder I saved it in. So I saved it to a folder I could see from IM and the IM ran just fine. I just need to find out why I cannot see the all netwrok folders from IM

  • L Vail Profile Picture
    L Vail 65,271 on at
    Re: IM - ADO Field in Nothing


    I have sometimes just recreated the source and it hooked back up.


  • Chuck Evans Profile Picture
    Chuck Evans 1,175 on at
    Re: IM - ADO Field in Nothing

    Dynamics is open. This routine has been running correctly for months until this morning. It is an advances SQL query accessing a SQL database table. There are a couple of things suggested about with ODBC drivers I have not tried yet. I will do so and update with the results


  • Suggested answer
    Re: IM - ADO Field in Nothing


    Yes. Since IM is a Macro Based utility, it inserts the informtion from the source file directly into the GP Windows/fields so IM needs to have access to GP to run. This is only true for the standard GP Destination Adapter.

    The eConnect Adapter Integrates directly to SQL therefore GP does not need to be open.


  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: IM - ADO Field in Nothing

    Silly question, but when trying to run the integration do you have GP open?, Leslie's information from Kelly is really good and very detailed, however I have seen instances where the user only opens Integration Manager with Regular Adapters and no GP. As well a stranded Dynamics.exe in the task manager may trigger this issue. Please review Leslie's

  • Re: IM - ADO Field in Nothing

    Hello Chuck,

    It looks like your question has been answered by another Customer with very good suggestions.

    If these suggestions do not resolve your issue, please let us know.

    Thank You!

  • L Vail Profile Picture
    L Vail 65,271 on at
    Re: IM - ADO Field in Nothing

    This is a post from Kelly Youells that might help.

    I've run into this several times. An easy one is to make sure the data source isn't open when you are trying to look at it.

    The following information should help to assist with resolving the ADO error message that users encounter in Integration Manager.

    First, review the following KB to see if any of the cause and resolutions apply.

    KB 954632, “Error message when you run an integration or when you preview the source query in Integration Manager for Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0: “ADO Field is nothing””

    Next, review the following additional steps individuals have done to resolve the error message:

    •If using an Excel spreadsheet as your source file, instead of saving as comma delimited file to use try changing your source file to a tab delimited text file.

    •Remove any columns in your source file that are not being used that IM could detect or restrict those columns from displaying when previewing.

    •If using Excel make sure the Named Range is properly defined and contains valid data.

    •Special characters like # and . should not be used in the name of the source file.

    •Make sure all columns have a heading.

    •Make sure the source does not contain duplicate column names.

    •Refresh the columns of your source files.

    •If you are previewing a source file and the source file is open this could cause an “ADO Field is nothing” error.

    •There is an issue with the DSN. If the source is a SQL source and if you are using the SQL Server driver, try the SQL Native Client driver. If you are using the SQL Native Client driver, try the SQL Server driver. What you can do is create 2 SQL DSN's, one using SQL Server and one using SQL Native Client to test with. Make sure to add Database=YOURCOMPANY at the end.

    •When you are using a Text file for ODBC sources, the DSN using the Text driver must be outside of Integration Manager. The Text driver inside of Integration Manager will not be looked at. If you have the DSN created inside IM, I would advise creating a new one outside IM in ODBC Data Source Administrator. With the Text ODBC, you may need to modify the Schema.ini file to use Text as the data type.

    •If you have a header and a line under Source, and you are trying to map the same field with two different data types. For example: If you have a SOP Header and have the Doc No Data Type set to String and then on the Line you have the Doc No Data Type set to Date (or some other value) you would receive this error.

    •If using a query there is a hard return character in the query between the file name and the where clause, for example.

    •If using Outlook to preview the excel file being used in the integration and saving the preview as a .csv file. The Outlook preview does not completely unlock the file and therefor causing the ADO error. We recommend not previewing through Outlook

    Kind regards,


  • Chuck Evans Profile Picture
    Chuck Evans 1,175 on at
    Re: IM - ADO Field in Nothing

    Regualar GP

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: IM - ADO Field in Nothing

    Which connector are you using eConnect or just GP?

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