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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Forecaster Baseline Columns

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Is it possible to have multiple baseline columns (different years) displayed on an Input Set. Say we are budgeting for 2011, and i would like to see 2009 and 2010 actuals on the input screen. Is this doable?



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  • Re: Forecaster Baseline Columns

    Thank you Ryan, that makes sense and i'll follow your approach.

    I'd like to piggy back another question if i may. I am using a @IF with @ELSE in my calcualtion, for for some reason the @IF never evaluates. It always executes the line after the @ELSE. The @IF is an Element calculation and the calculations that follow @IF and @ELSE are Column caculations. What i am doing is




    COL2=COL1/COL1.ACT2   -> This is what executes all the time, even when COL1.ACT1 >0

    Any thoughts?


  • Verified answer
    Re: Forecaster Baseline Columns

    Hi Sandeep,

    Global calculations won't work since this is not account specific. You can either do this via an element calculation or use my suggestion above with a line set with just the one head count account.

    For pulling YTD values if you use a formula like AY200912 you need the A200901..A200912 somewhere in the Input Set via baseline or regular column. The Y columns are calculated in the Input Set so you need the 13 columns (12 monthly + ytd) for both years in the input set in order to do the calculations.

  • Re: Forecaster Baseline Columns

    Thanks Ryan.

    Will the global calculation work if i am trying to use a specific account whose average i want to compute? From reading the help file, it would seem that it works for the entire period.

    What i wanted to do was to calculate a line on my 2012 budget. This line is arrived by multiplying the 2011 actual for that line with the average head count. The average head count = Total 2009 Head Count + Total 2010 Head Count / 2

    What i am unable to do is the last piece. It always only pulls the Total 2010 head count, as in my input set setup, i have defined 2010 as the baseline columns. If i change that to 2009, then the 2010 numbers are blank and only 2009 pulls in.

  • Suggested answer
    Re: Forecaster Baseline Columns


    The number of baseline columns must match the number of columns in the input set. You can do whatever you want, but using multiple years may be a bit tricky. If this is your ultimate goal it will be easiest to work your input set in stages.

    1. Setup your Input Set with no HR, Revenue, or Capital. Create a column set with 36 periods (12 2009, 12 2010, 12 2011).

    2. Create column calculations to set each of the 12 2011 columns to be an avg of 2009 2010.

    3. Perform a calc task to save the values.

    4. Remove this column and do your normal column layout and enable capital, revenue, and HR.

    5. Proceed with your normal budgeting activites.

    Alternatively you may be able to use a Global Calculation to accomplish this task. See the help for more information.



  • Re: Forecaster Baseline Columns


    What i am trying to do is to have a calculation that computes the average of the 2009 and 2010 value. The result of this will populate a line on the 2011 budget.


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