If You have any reporting tool connected to the NAV database, You could try to get data from table Access Control (2000000053).
I would save the time by going one by one User card and copying out to excel the given permission sets to them.
Hi, that's exactly what I've been doing. Fill an Excel based on the info on the User Card, but thats time consuming and prone to errors. It's sad to know it cant be done other way.
Unfortunately, as far as I know the standard does not have this report.
You can open the User Card and manually view the companies in the Permission Sets.
But please note that this does not mean that the user has access to the company. For example, if the user has financial permissions but does not have Role Center permissions, an error will be prompted when opening NAV.
If Company is blank, it means it has access to all companies.
Hope this helps.
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