I am working on a CRM system currently where a fundamental part of it is the ability of users to open another application (installed locally on their PCs) via clicking a button on the ribbon within an account record.
This system is in place for many years now (long before I started working with it).
The way it is coded, is basically javascript fires off the click of the button to run a batch file on the users PC, which in turn opens up the locally installed application.
Now, the problem with this is that the code uses ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell") to run the batch file and this only works on Internet Explorer. As a consequence, every user currently uses IE.
Sooner rather than later we will have to move people away from using IE to a more modern browser. However, not having the ability for users to fire up this application would be a huge stumbling block in terms of moving people to these browsers.
I am struggling to find any cros browser way to keep this functionality working.
Anyone got any ideas as to how I could achieve this in Firefox, Chrome, Edge etc.?