RE: Device SL configuration
Hi Trevor,
The following is an introduction to Device SL.
Device SL: With Device SL any number of users can access a licensed device without the need for separate User SLs:
• Shared login: Customer Engagement device SLs and Operations device SL, or
• Individual logins: Operations device SL without the need for separate User SLs
Note, if individual users share one login, their individual usage cannot be tracked.
Customer Engagement device licenses are full devices – they include the same rights as the equivalent user license, while the Dynamics 365 Operations – Device (hereinafter written as Operations – Device) license is a limited license with a subset of Finance, Supply Chain Management, and Retail capabilities. See the Device Subscription License section for more information.
Since Dynamics 365 may be licensed with User or Device SL, only the user or the device requires a SL, but not both. If the user of a device is licensed with a User SL, then the device does not need a Device SL. Likewise, if the device is licensed with a Device SL, then the user does not need a User SL. Customers can mix both User and Device SLs.
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In addition, I would still recommend that you contact sales to ask for details: