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Small and medium business | Business Central, N...

Flowfield on line table to pull header data

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Hi All,

I'm trying display purchase receipt header information on Get Receipt Lines (purchase receipt lines list page), function on item charge so user can see additional information.  Created a table extension with flowfield and page extension but no data is shown on the new field.  Not sure if there is a better way to do this without a table extension and only a page extension

Sample code for table extension and page ext:

tableextension 50136 PurchaseReceiptLine extends "Purch. Rcpt. Line"
        field(50133; "My Order No."; Text[50])

            FieldClass = FlowField;
            CalcFormula = lookup("Purch. Rcpt. Header"."Order No." where("No." = field("No.")));

pageextension 50145 PurchaseReceiptLineList extends "Purch. Receipt Lines"
            field("My Order No."; "My Order No.")
                ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;

  • JAngle Profile Picture
    JAngle 63 on at
    RE: Flowfield on line table to pull header data

    Flowfields are fine in general. Look at the item table for example. It has a lot of flowfields and it’s a table that will potentially have a lot of data. This resource is good for getting comfortable with flowfields:

    The other method is ok but only if you don’t want to use it for filtering and only ever want it on the page only. At least with flowfields you could use them in supplementary reports or queries. The search presumably only works with data that is actually present in the table. Flowfield data is calculated so not written into the table.

  • Anita75 Profile Picture
    Anita75 1,159 on at
    RE: Flowfield on line table to pull header data

    Changed to "Document No." and works now. Related question is - Is creating flowfield is the best way to solve this problem or is there a better way such as a page variable using OnAftergetRecord? One of things I noticed is when the list page is loaded you cannot search this new column values (using serach box on top left).  

  • Suggested answer
    JAngle Profile Picture
    JAngle 63 on at
    RE: Flowfield on line table to pull header data

    If the table extension is for the line table isn't the "No." field the reference to what is being receipted? Should it not be the "Order No."?

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