I have a customer who was looking at the items showing OH in the Item Value List. Two items are missing in the IVR and I can't figure out why. Here are two screenshots:
Item Value List
Inventory Valuation Report
I have a customer who was looking at the items showing OH in the Item Value List. Two items are missing in the IVR and I can't figure out why. Here are two screenshots:
Item Value List
Inventory Valuation Report
Hi Cness,
Reviewing this thread again, is the issue that the items are not on the report or that the quantity is missing for the items on the report?
If the issue is just with a quantity missing, does the below query show the 2 items in question?
select itemlookupcode, description, * from item where id not in (select itemid from inventorytransferlog)
Do you see the 2 items if you remove the filter for 'Inactive = No' and add a filter for Item Lookup code?
NOTE: Try it one at a time to see if results are returned.
For example, I ran the Inventory Valuation Report for item 11200:
What is the Item Type for these 2 items?
There is a Stored Procedure used in the Inventory Valuation Report; and it excludes item with an ItemType of 7 or 9 (Non Inventory or Gift Card).
Only filter is; Inactive =No
HI cness,
What filters are you using when running the Inventory Value Report?
Do the items show if you don't set any filters?
NOTE: If no date range is specified it appears the Opening values and Closing values may show the same value; but this is just to see if the 2 items show up.
Thanks for the reply, Todd.
They were all created at the same time. Single store running RMS for over 10 years. The "Curio" section was created because customers were wanting to buy what he was using for displays so he decided to add them.
Been in there a few years at least.
Hi Cness,
Have you checked to see when the 2 items in question were created?
Were they created prior to the From date specified when running the Inventory Valuation Report?
How were the 2 items created? For example, were they imported?
Just a note that Mainstream support for Microsoft Dynamics RMS 2.0 ended on July 10, 2016; and extended support ends on 7/13/2021:
Dynamics Retail Management System 2.0 - Microsoft Lifecycle | Microsoft Docs
This is less than 3 months from now; and you can continue using RMS after this date but technical support will not be available.
I would recommend checking with your partner in regard to what they may recommend as a replacement system after the extended support end date.
I forgot to add; when looking at the individual skus in the Item File, there was a QTY OH of the items "not" showing up on the IVR.
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