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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

User password for Dynamics 2010 will work on desktop but not VDI. How do I resolve this issue.

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

I can log into GP on my desktop with my password.   When I  use VDI  my password doesn't work.   I need to log into the sa account in GP and reset the user password.   Then I can log into GP in VDI.   Once a log into GP in the VDI I can't on my desktop.   I have to repeat the steps above.



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  • Abigail Profile Picture
    Abigail 550 on at
    RE: User password for Dynamics 2010 will work on desktop but not VDI. How do I resolve this issue.

    We had the same problem when we used Dynamics GP on our Azure Windows 10 Virtual machine.

    The problem lies in the path of accessing the database information.

    Microsoft uses the Open Database Connectivity Interface.

    The said interface helps you access the data for your use.

    It is based on SQL.

    It seems that you need to configure the OBDC connections properly.

    Follow these steps:

    To fix this problem, the ODBC Driver settings need to be adjusted.  Follow these steps:

    1. Click Start > Settings >Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC).

    2. Click the "System DSN" tab in the ODBC Data Source Administrator Window.

    3. Select the name of the Banner/Oracle data source from the list.

    4. Click the Configure button.

    I hope this solves your problem.


  • Re: User password for Dynamics 2010 will work on desktop but not VDI. How do I resolve this issue.

    I am not sure what you are referring to with VDI but it sounds like your ODBC connections are not setup the same. Make sure you are using the Server name or the IP address in both machines and not a combonation of both.

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