RE: In need of Units Per Transaction Report
Hi there.
If you want to make a Custom report, first I would suggest is calling your RMS Partner. There was an old documentation on making Active Reports, maybe your RMS Partner is willing to share it with you...
If You want to try it on your own (and You have basic knowledge of tSQL and RMS database structure), you can try this next, few basic steps:
- open any of the existing Active Reports with Notepad, just to give you an idea of the structure of reports;
- with the standard RMS SO Manager reporting option, open one report, do some changes like adding a filter or move columns or similar and then "memorize" the report. Now you will see that in the Reports folder, this new "saved" report will have a "Memorized" word in the name..
- Change the word to "Custom" and the next time you open the Manager, you'll see the report is now under Customized reports
- Now start editing the report, by adding new JOIN's to other tables, show new columns or delete existing ones, add filters, show formula-based columns (what you will need to achive your Units per Transaction field for example), etc., etc.,...
Hope this helps,
Kind regards, A.