Is there a way to show the remaining quantity on the each line of the purchase order, or somewhere else?
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Is there a way to show the remaining quantity on the each line of the purchase order, or somewhere else?
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I personally like the inquiry tool available in the Procurement and Sourcing module. If you navigate to Procurement and sourcing > Inquiry > Purchase order > Open purchase order lines, you can see the information you are looking for.
Hi Jianrui,
On the general menutab of the purchase order details there is a button called Line quantity. This gives you the required information like remaining delivery and also invoice quantities.
Hi Jianrui,
This is a dynamic value. You can't show it on line level.
[quote user="Selvam Krishnan"]
You need to go to "Update line button" in line level and select "delivery reminder" under update group.
Hi Selvam
can i show it on each line without customization ?
You need to go to "Update line button" in line level and select "delivery reminder" under update group.
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