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Microsoft Dynamics RMS (Archived)

Store/Customer Copies of Receipt with Appropriate Headings

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

We are using MS RMS 2.0.  I have a copy of the Customization Guide and have been figuring out how to modify my receipts.  Here is what I'm trying to do.  My stores need:

  1. Customer copy of the receipt (printing from printer 1)
  2. Store copy of the receipt (printing from printer 1)
  3. Packing list (printing from printer 2 at the cashier's option)

I have found out that I can:

  1. Set a reciept to print multiple copies.
  2. Define a receipt to have multiple pages. (I used the FullPagewithPackingList from MS as a basis)
  3. Set up printer 1 and printer 2 to output to the same printer.

What I'm trying to figure out is how do I create a single  multipage receipt layout that would print both a "CUSTOMER COPY" and a "STORE COPY".  I can create the multipage layout but I can't get the title in "DrawHeader" to change from "CUSTOMER COPY" to "STORE COPY."

I've created and initialized the following variable:  <SET name="PageName" type="vbString"> "CUSTOMER COPY" </SET>

In the "DrawHeader" I have modified the heading to use the variable.  I changed:  <TEXT> Transaction.ReceiptTransactionName </TEXT> to <TEXT>PageName</TEXT> 

The use of the variable works fine.

In the "Document" section I have:









First page

Transaction Details



Process the entries for the "CUSTOMER COPY" (FOR loop)

Then I try to change the value of the "PageName" variable
SET name="PageName" type="vbString"> "STORE COPY" </SET

Next I call the "DrawLastFooter" SUB to finish off the "CUSTOMER COPY"

<CALL> "DrawLastFooter" </CALL>

Now I start a new page which causes the automatic calling of the "DrawHeader" SUB




Second page

Transaction Details



Process the entries for the "STORE COPY" (FOR loop)


According to the Customization Guide for the SET command:


This element declares and sets a variable for the receipt template. The variable can then be used in an expression as if it were predefined receipt template variable. The value of a variable can be changed during receipt processing by adding a SET element with the same name attribute.

Based on this I would think that the second iteration would have a new title of "STORE COPY" since the value of the variable is supposedly changed before the new page is generated.   But that isn't happening.  The second iteration still says "CUSTOMER COPY"

Could someone please explain to me how or what I can do to make this work?




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  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Store/Customer Copies of Receipt with Appropriate Headings

    Thank you for the reply.

    I need printer 1 to always print a receipt for both the customer and the store.  Every cashier will be printing 2 copies of the receipt from printer 1 for every transaction.  I know I can set the format to print 2 copies of the format assigned to printer 1.  That's a fairly easy change.  On printer 2 we have created a "Packing List" format that the cashier will be prompted to print or not print.  Not every transaction requires a packing list.  But what I would really like to have is that first receipt copy to say "CUSTOMER COPY" at the top and the second copy to say "STORE COPY."

  • eliud mugo Profile Picture
    eliud mugo 1,440 on at
    RE: Store/Customer Copies of Receipt with Appropriate Headings

    Have you tried setting up two receipt formats?one for the customer and the other for store.

    Then assign each printer a receipt format.For printer 1 assign receipt format for store and for printer 2 assign receipt format for customers

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