Hi Katie,
I created a SQL view for that. We use Liaison Messenger to email everything; but, Collections uses the same email field as the email Statement function in GP.
Here is the SQL code
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[VALL_LiaisonEmailAdd]
/********************************* [dbo].[VALL_LiaisonEmailAdd] *************************************************************
************ Created by: Joseph Guyton ****************************************************************************
************ Created Date: 05/06/2014 ***************************************************************************
************ SQL View for SmartList with Customers and email addresses *********************************
************ Debug: Select * from RM00101 ***********************************************************
************ Select * from SY01200 ***********************************************************
SELECT a.CUSTNMBR AS [Customer Number],
a.CUSTNAME as [Customer Name],
a.USERDEF2 as [Liaison Pref],
b.INET1 as [Liaison Email],
b.EmailToAddress as [Collections Email] <----- This is the field that the statements are sent to.
FROM RM00101 a INNER JOIN SY01200 b
ON a.CUSTNMBR = b.Master_ID
AND b.Master_Type = 'CUS'
Be sure and run the SQL statement "Grant Select on viewname to DYNGRP
You'll be able to add the view to SmartList Builder as a custom StartList.