I have an editable grid which display records for an entity and I need to be able to do the following –
- set a default group
- Sort by columns that are in an associated entity
- Hide a column but still be able to reference the value for each record to calculate other amounts
As you can see in the image, when the grid loads there is no default Group By set – can we set a default group?
I need to be able to sort by the columns Area of Home and Item, but these are from the related entity (Household Contents Type) – is there a way to sort by these columns instead of need to choose columns from the base entity?
Amount for item is used to calculate Eligible Amount, but I do not want the user to be able to see this column – currently I calculate the amount user javascript (so the amount is calculated onChange of Outreach Assessment Count) and I need to be able to access Amount for item .
If you could help me with one of more of these issues, I would greatly appreciate it.