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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

Data Migration between CRM Organizations

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Is there a way to move CRM Data, from one organization to another for more than one entity at the time?

For example, if I wanted to transfer Quotes and Quote Products at the same time...?

Or, if I wanted to transfer Cases with all related Activities...?

I've read about CRM Snapshot, would that be the way to achieve this?


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  • yleclerc Profile Picture
    yleclerc 1,547 on at
    RE: Data Migration between CRM Organizations

    Thank you all for you answers, they were very helpful.

    We did not want to migrate the entire DB. Only a few Entities and Related Entities (Cases and Related Activities / Opportunity and Opportunity Products) for instance. I was looking for a shortcut to do these in a single step, but we ended up using the CRM Export/Import tool.

    We had roughly 5000 records to migrate so it wasn't that bad.

    Thanks again!

  • Verified answer
    Feridun Kadir Profile Picture
    Feridun Kadir 1,705 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Data Migration between CRM Organizations

    To directly answer your question, no it is not possible to migrate more than one entity at a time because of the dependency. In your example, the all quotes must be migrated first and then quote products. In fact before you can migrate quotes, you need to have the customer records (account and/or contact) present in the destination system.

    If you wanted to duplicate the entire CRM database then you can acheive that using SQL backup and restore for an on-premises system or the Online Administration Center for Dynamics 365 online.

    There are many migration tools available, I personally use and like the tool from Kingswaysoft. Be prepared to spend time ensuring that you have the entity migration order sorted out.  With Kingswaysoft, after you have defined your migration entities, you can start and leave the job running. You don't need to migrate quotes and then come back to do quote products. You would set up a single job to migrate quotes and then quote products.

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    gdas Profile Picture
    gdas 50,087 on at
    RE: Data Migration between CRM Organizations

    Hi Yvan,

    I would first recommend try with configuration migration tool as  it's coming with SDK provided by Microsoft.

    In general for huge number of data transfer you  need use ssis, kingswaysoft and scribe as Ravi mentioned above.

    Hope this helps.

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    EnriqueMdz Profile Picture
    EnriqueMdz 1,065 on at
    RE: Data Migration between CRM Organizations


    As described by Aric and Ravi, there are several tools you can use to migrate data between organizations. Personally, I recommend Data Migration Utility as it is already in the SDK.

    Hope it helps.

  • Verified answer
    Aric Levin Profile Picture
    Aric Levin 30,188 on at
    RE: Data Migration between CRM Organizations

    Hi Yvan,

    Basically the answer is no.

    You will need to use a tool such as Kingswaysoft with SSIS or Scribe to migrate your entities.

    It is a little easier to do On-Premise, which seems you are on, since you have direct access to SQL Server (to retrieve records and read relationships with other entities), but overall you will need to do it one entity at a time.

    Hope this helps.

  • Verified answer
    RaviKashyap Profile Picture
    RaviKashyap 55,410 on at
    RE: Data Migration between CRM Organizations


    "Is there a way to move CRM Data"... Yes there are several ways and the best options depend upon various factors-

    -- what type of data you want to move (configuration, transaction, activities etc)

    -- Whats the volume of the data

    -- What is source and target environment (on-premise to on premise or on-line to online etc)

    If you are referring to " " then I don't think it is designed for data migration.

    Few common/ recommended tools available for data migration are-

    1. Scribe

    2. Kingswaysoft

    3. Configration Migration Tool


    You can also use out of bof feature of Excel Export/ Import. You can even use SDK to write your own tool.

    Like I said, it all depends upon your requirement.

    Hope this helps.

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