I have seen a number of posts about this subject but somehow they do not answer my specific question;
I will attempt to outline the scenario as succinctly as possible;
- I am working on a VM and I create a Power BI Report in Power BI Desktop
- The report's Data Source is LocalHost AX/DW (D365 Database)
- I then create the Power BI resource and links etc in AOT on my VM - more or less as outlined below
- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/fin-ops-core/dev-itpro/analytics/add-analytics-tab-workspaces
- Because I am on a 1 box VM I cannot see the result of the AOT (apparently there is a tweak that I can do in Azure Portal to workaround this part)
- Now I want to deploy the report to another environment
- Do I somehow add this to the LCS as Global scope and deploy it via 'Deploy PowerBI Tiles' option in the environment I want it in.
- If so how do I add this to the LCS - do I add the solution or do I need to create a content pack for PBI?
- Do I somehow add this to the LCS as Global scope and deploy it via 'Deploy PowerBI Tiles' option in the environment I want it in.
- Do I put into my DEVOPS TFS and this gets picked up as a part of a Work Package?
Sorry I am new to this deployment model for D365 F&O
Any help appreciated. I am assuming that there is a 'best practice' process for this type of deployment.