Seems to be we are facing an old issue(we are on Sl 2011 sp1)One of the batches is not able to be released.Error 8881 invalid currency information in base currency batch.
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Seems to be we are facing an old issue(we are on Sl 2011 sp1)One of the batches is not able to be released.Error 8881 invalid currency information in base currency batch.
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For an 8881 message, I look in the debug data file and search for the second occurrence of:
That is the column header where all values are zero except the one(s) with an issue.
One the line where the value is not zero, you can find the adjdrefnbr (IN/DM) and the adjgrefnbr (CM/PA)
Then you can remove the application for this item from the batch like this:
Delete from artran where drcr = 'U' and batnbr = 'xxxxx' and siteid = 'IN/DM number'
The is the same as changing the apply amt to zero which you can also do right in the screen. Then the batch may release.
I also look for an ARdoc.docbal<>curydocbal in this batch. You will see these documents in the debug script or can look for them this way.
Select refnbr, docbal, curydocbal,doctype,custid, docdate,* from ardoc where docbal<>curydocbal and opendoc ='1'
If you find such a document, usually the docbal>curydocbal. The update is to set the docbal=curydocbal
Thank you,
Hello Andrew73,
Please go through the below link you will get an idea to solve this issue.
Hope this helps
André Arnaud de Cal...
Super User 2025 Season 1
Martin Dráb
Most Valuable Professional