Is it possible to create a lookup of same entity and display it in the form? Example, in Account record/form, you want to have a lookup of Account.
If yes, how to do it? What relationship would Account have to itself?
Is it possible to create a lookup of same entity and display it in the form? Example, in Account record/form, you want to have a lookup of Account.
If yes, how to do it? What relationship would Account have to itself?
Please stop reiterating the same answers I provide. It's getting annoying as it is very insulting.
Thank you.
Hi Katie,
Of course. You can create a lookup field of same entity and display it in the form.
Here are steps:
1.Go Settings > Customizations > Customize the system > Entities > Account > 1:N relationships.
2.Crete new one relationship.
3.Go to Forms to select one form you want to add account lookup field you just created.
4.Save and publish all customizations.
Leah Ju
Please mark as verified if the answer is helpful. Welcome to join hot discussions in Dynamics 365 Forums.
Well, technically you can do it, but I'm really curious WHY you would want to? OOTB the Account table/entity has a parent/child relationship already, so why add another?
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