Re: GP 10.0 2011 Round 2 Tax Updates Not Taking Effect
Microsoft answered my question on the Round 2 page. Here is why I was misled into believing it wasn't using the employer amount...
After Installing Round 2:
Check Register - When you have Direct Deposit employees the Direct Deposit Check Register will still show the incorrect amount for Employer FICA Owed. You will need to print the Reprint Check Register (Reports | Payroll | Reprint Journals) in order to show the correct Employer FICA Owed amount.
941 changes
- 941 Preparation Report will be correct through 6e. The rest will be understated.
- 941 Schedule B Preparation Report will be understated. Report is taking Employee total times 2 instead of taking Employer amount.
- Form 941 Schedule B will be understated. Report is taking Employee total times 2 instead of taking Employer amount.
- Federal Tax Liabilities List 941 amount will be understated.
- Form 941 change - we will release update when form changes are finalized by the IRS.
Update to fix the above issues will be released February 4th.
So I guess I will wait for them to fix their fix. :-(