Kirk has a point here that might work.. as long as you kept the same Shared Folder name for the new location of the deployed Excel reports..
the data connection string in your 'old' 2010 Excel file may look like this :
X:\ROBSDATACONNECTIONS\FTW\Company\TaxDetailTransactions Default.odc
Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=True;Initial Catalog=FTW;Data Source=SRV-CAMTL-GP10\DYNAMICSGP;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=SRV-CAMTL-GP10;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False
The first part is your Server name and this could be either supplied by a CNAME entry in the DNS, of if the issue is isolated within a single (or a couple) of users, you could just create a pointer in the 'hosts' file in Windows to direct the old GP server name to the new IP address of the 2015 data server. Or, like in this case, map the new shared folder thru a network drive..
This technique will only work as long as you kept the same structure on the new server.
The danger with this is that you may mix-up new ODC definitions with older Excel 'content' files, which may not reflect updated fields / new fields.
Alternatively I'd suggest a much more elegant solution that was published several years back by Microsoft and would actually update the connection string in your Excel workbooks. Read more about it here :
There are possibly dozens of different methods to achieve the same goal, google it with the proper terms and you'll likely find a lot more.
To not get plagued again in the future with another GP update on a different server, I've long decided to go with DNS Alias for my live GP system.. thus when the Excel reports are deployed, the ODC file will already include the canonical name of the server (i.e. DYNAMICSGP) and not the true server name (i.e. SRV-CAMTL-GP13).
PS: my suspicion is that the first line (the actual link to the Connection file) is only used at the time of the deployment of the files on the server.. the prefix "X:\ROBSDATACONNECTIONS" is very unlikely existing in your environment.