RE: Transaction Entry Postings May Appear On Trial Balance And Not In Bank Rec Vice Versa
Transactions posted on the Bank Reconciliation Module are supposed to throw to GL according to your posting setup.
Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Posting > Posting
You need to check three origins (Bank Transaction, Bank Transfer and Bank deposit). The option highlighted on the left regarding either post to or post through general ledger determines how the journal entries will be populated when one of these transaction is posted on the Bank Reconciliation module.
As for the correction, you need to consider initially the Reconcile to General Ledger (Microsoft Dynamics > Tools > Routines > Financial > Reconcile to GL) in case you are on GP2013. Otherwise, in case you have already determined all the incorrect transaction, you could use the following criteria:
- Individual correction, through which you need to go through the incorrect transaction one by one, void and enter the correct one. In case the original transaction is not posted to General Ledger, ensure to uncheck the post through and post to options above in order not to post a reversing journal entry (this will corrupt your cash account)
- Mass correction, through which you can correct the monthly difference with one transaction, either on the general ledger or bank reconciliation in order to have these two modules tie together.
One more not to consider, transactions posted on the module will go through general ledger according to your setup. Otherwise, the other scenario doesn't happen, which means journal entries affecting your cash account on the GL level doesn't flow up to the Bank Reconciliation Module.