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How to add subform to an existing page

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Good afternoon,

I have created a table called "Employee Roles" and I'm looking for a way to make the it appear on the Employee page, with the Employee No column filtered to just show roles for that employee.


I have been able to find nothing on Google. I'm basically trying to recreate the below from the Users page. What I want to do is make it so you can modify someone's roles just from their Employee page.


Any ideas? Thank you.

  • AJ-21080818-0 Profile Picture
    AJ-21080818-0 60 on at
    RE: How to add subform to an existing page

    Read MS documentation on BC: Get Started with AL - Business Central | Microsoft Docs

    In Visual Studio Code you will have folder al packages, open latest Microsoft Base application, right click of the mouse, select AL Object Designer. In search type Employees, system will show you all objects with such name.

    There are a lot of MS docs on page extensions in BC plus support forums.

  • matthewjd24 Profile Picture
    matthewjd24 75 on at
    RE: How to add subform to an existing page

    Hi yzhums and AlexJu, thank you for the information. I wasn't aware I could read the source code. Could you point me towards where I can learn to do that? Thank you.

    Edit: ZHU YUN has actually posted how to do this in another thread.     

  • AJ-21080818-0 Profile Picture
    AJ-21080818-0 60 on at
    RE: How to add subform to an existing page


    You have to create Employee card (page) extension and add data from your table in factboxes similar to employee picture or attachments or in actions, for example Related-Employee submenu similar to Relatives, Absences, etc. First read source code for Employee card page to understand how data is arranged on Employee card, see below

    page 5200 "Employee Card"
        Caption = 'Employee Card';
        PageType = Card;
        PromotedActionCategories = 'New,Process,Report,Employee,Navigate';
        SourceTable = Employee;
                    Caption = 'General';
                    field("No."; "No.")
                        ApplicationArea = All;
                        Importance = Standard;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the number of the involved entry or record, according to the specified number series.';
                        Visible = NoFieldVisible;
                        trigger OnAssistEdit()
                    field("First Name"; "First Name")
                        ApplicationArea = BasicHR;
                        Importance = Promoted;
                        ShowMandatory = true;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the employee''s first name.';
                    field("Middle Name"; "Middle Name")
                        ApplicationArea = BasicHR;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the employee''s middle name.';
                    field("Last Name"; "Last Name")
                        ApplicationArea = BasicHR;
                        ShowMandatory = true;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the employee''s last name.';
                    field("Job Title"; "Job Title")
                        ApplicationArea = BasicHR;
                        Importance = Promoted;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the employee''s job title.';
                    field(Initials; Initials)
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the employee''s initials.';
                    field("Search Name"; "Search Name")
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies an alternate name that you can use to search for the record in question when you cannot remember the value in the Name field.';
                    field(Gender; Gender)
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the employee''s gender.';
                    field("Phone No.2"; "Phone No.")
                        ApplicationArea = BasicHR;
                        Caption = 'Company Phone No.';
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the employee''s telephone number.';
                    field("Company E-Mail"; "Company E-Mail")
                        ApplicationArea = BasicHR;
                        ExtendedDatatype = EMail;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the employee''s email address at the company.';
                    field("Last Date Modified"; "Last Date Modified")
                        ApplicationArea = BasicHR;
                        Importance = Additional;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies when this record was last modified.';
                    field("Privacy Blocked"; "Privacy Blocked")
                        ApplicationArea = BasicHR;
                        Importance = Additional;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies whether to limit access to data for the data subject during daily operations. This is useful, for example, when protecting data from changes while it is under privacy review.';
                group("Address & Contact")
                    Caption = 'Address & Contact';
                        ShowCaption = false;
                        field(Address; Address)
                            ApplicationArea = BasicHR;
                            ToolTip = 'Specifies the employee''s address.';
                        field("Address 2"; "Address 2")
                            ApplicationArea = BasicHR;
                            ToolTip = 'Specifies additional address information.';
                        field(City; City)
                            ApplicationArea = BasicHR;
                            ToolTip = 'Specifies the city of the address.';
                            ShowCaption = false;
                            Visible = IsCountyVisible;
                            field(County; County)
                                ApplicationArea = BasicHR;
                                ToolTip = 'Specifies the county of the employee.';
                        field("Post Code"; "Post Code")
                            ApplicationArea = BasicHR;
                            ToolTip = 'Specifies the postal code.';
                        field("Country/Region Code"; "Country/Region Code")
                            ApplicationArea = BasicHR;
                            ToolTip = 'Specifies the country/region of the address.';
                            trigger OnValidate()
                                IsCountyVisible := FormatAddress.UseCounty("Country/Region Code");
                        field(ShowMap; ShowMapLbl)
                            ApplicationArea = BasicHR;
                            Editable = false;
                            ShowCaption = false;
                            Style = StrongAccent;
                            StyleExpr = TRUE;
                            ToolTip = 'Specifies the employee''s address on your preferred online map.';
                            trigger OnDrillDown()
                        ShowCaption = false;
                        field("Mobile Phone No."; "Mobile Phone No.")
                            ApplicationArea = BasicHR;
                            Caption = 'Private Phone No.';
                            Importance = Promoted;
                            ToolTip = 'Specifies the employee''s private telephone number.';
                        field(Pager; Pager)
                            ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                            ToolTip = 'Specifies the employee''s pager number.';
                        field(Extension; Extension)
                            ApplicationArea = BasicHR;
                            Importance = Promoted;
                            ToolTip = 'Specifies the employee''s telephone extension.';
                        field("Phone No."; "Phone No.")
                            ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                            Caption = 'Direct Phone No.';
                            Importance = Promoted;
                            ToolTip = 'Specifies the employee''s telephone number.';
                        field("E-Mail"; "E-Mail")
                            ApplicationArea = BasicHR;
                            Caption = 'Private Email';
                            Importance = Promoted;
                            ToolTip = 'Specifies the employee''s private email address.';
                        field("Alt. Address Code"; "Alt. Address Code")
                            ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                            ToolTip = 'Specifies a code for an alternate address.';
                        field("Alt. Address Start Date"; "Alt. Address Start Date")
                            ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                            ToolTip = 'Specifies the starting date when the alternate address is valid.';
                        field("Alt. Address End Date"; "Alt. Address End Date")
                            ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                            ToolTip = 'Specifies the last day when the alternate address is valid.';
                    Caption = 'Administration';
                    field("Employment Date"; "Employment Date")
                        ApplicationArea = BasicHR;
                        Importance = Promoted;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the date when the employee began to work for the company.';
                    field(Status; Status)
                        ApplicationArea = BasicHR;
                        Importance = Promoted;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the employment status of the employee.';
                    field("Inactive Date"; "Inactive Date")
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the date when the employee became inactive, due to disability or maternity leave, for example.';
                    field("Cause of Inactivity Code"; "Cause of Inactivity Code")
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies a code for the cause of inactivity by the employee.';
                    field("Termination Date"; "Termination Date")
                        ApplicationArea = BasicHR;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the date when the employee was terminated, due to retirement or dismissal, for example.';
                    field("Grounds for Term. Code"; "Grounds for Term. Code")
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies a termination code for the employee who has been terminated.';
                    field("Emplymt. Contract Code"; "Emplymt. Contract Code")
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the employment contract code for the employee.';
                    field("Statistics Group Code"; "Statistics Group Code")
                        ApplicationArea = Suite;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies a statistics group code to assign to the employee for statistical purposes.';
                    field("Resource No."; "Resource No.")
                        ApplicationArea = BasicHR;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies a resource number for the employee.';
                    field("Salespers./Purch. Code"; "Salespers./Purch. Code")
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies a salesperson or purchaser code for the employee.';
                    Caption = 'Personal';
                    field("Birth Date"; "Birth Date")
                        ApplicationArea = BasicHR;
                        Importance = Promoted;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the employee''s date of birth.';
                    field("Social Security No."; "Social Security No.")
                        ApplicationArea = BasicHR;
                        Importance = Promoted;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the social security number of the employee.';
                    field("Union Code"; "Union Code")
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the employee''s labor union membership code.';
                    field("Union Membership No."; "Union Membership No.")
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the employee''s labor union membership number.';
                    Caption = 'Payments';
                    field("Employee Posting Group"; "Employee Posting Group")
                        ApplicationArea = BasicHR;
                        LookupPageID = "Employee Posting Groups";
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the employee''s type to link business transactions made for the employee with the appropriate account in the general ledger.';
                    field("Application Method"; "Application Method")
                        ApplicationArea = BasicHR;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies how to apply payments to entries for this employee.';
                    field("Bank Branch No."; "Bank Branch No.")
                        ApplicationArea = BasicHR;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies a number of the bank branch.';
                    field("Bank Account No."; "Bank Account No.")
                        ApplicationArea = BasicHR;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the number used by the bank for the bank account.';
                    field(IBAN; IBAN)
                        ApplicationArea = BasicHR;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the bank account''s international bank account number.';
                    field("SWIFT Code"; "SWIFT Code")
                        ApplicationArea = BasicHR;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the SWIFT code (international bank identifier code) of the bank where the employee has the account.';
                part(Control3; "Employee Picture")
                    ApplicationArea = BasicHR;
                    SubPageLink = "No." = FIELD("No.");
                part("Attached Documents"; "Document Attachment Factbox")
                    ApplicationArea = All;
                    Caption = 'Attachments';
                    SubPageLink = "Table ID" = CONST(5200),
                                  "No." = FIELD("No.");
                systempart(Control1900383207; Links)
                    ApplicationArea = RecordLinks;
                    Visible = false;
                systempart(Control1905767507; Notes)
                    ApplicationArea = Notes;
                    Visible = true;
                    Caption = 'E&mployee';
                    Image = Employee;
                        ApplicationArea = Comments;
                        Caption = 'Co&mments';
                        Image = ViewComments;
                        Promoted = true;
                        PromotedCategory = Category4;
                        RunObject = Page "Human Resource Comment Sheet";
                        RunPageLink = "Table Name" = CONST(Employee),
                                      "No." = FIELD("No.");
                        ToolTip = 'View or add comments for the record.';
                        ApplicationArea = Dimensions;
                        Caption = 'Dimensions';
                        Image = Dimensions;
                        Promoted = true;
                        PromotedCategory = Category4;
                        PromotedIsBig = true;
                        RunObject = Page "Default Dimensions";
                        RunPageLink = "Table ID" = CONST(5200),
                                      "No." = FIELD("No.");
                        ShortCutKey = 'Alt D';
                        ToolTip = 'View or edit dimensions, such as area, project, or department, that you can assign to sales and purchase documents to distribute costs and analyze transaction history.';
                        ApplicationArea = BasicHR;
                        Caption = '&Picture';
                        Image = Picture;
                        Promoted = true;
                        PromotedCategory = Category5;
                        RunObject = Page "Employee Picture";
                        RunPageLink = "No." = FIELD("No.");
                        ToolTip = 'View or add a picture of the employee or, for example, the company''s logo.';
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        Caption = '&Alternate Addresses';
                        Image = Addresses;
                        RunObject = Page "Alternative Address List";
                        RunPageLink = "Employee No." = FIELD("No.");
                        ToolTip = 'Open the list of addresses that are registered for the employee.';
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        Caption = '&Relatives';
                        Image = Relatives;
                        RunObject = Page "Employee Relatives";
                        RunPageLink = "Employee No." = FIELD("No.");
                        ToolTip = 'Open the list of relatives that are registered for the employee.';
                    action("Mi&sc. Article Information")
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        Caption = 'Mi&sc. Article Information';
                        Image = Filed;
                        RunObject = Page "Misc. Article Information";
                        RunPageLink = "Employee No." = FIELD("No.");
                        ToolTip = 'Open the list of miscellaneous articles that are registered for the employee.';
                    action("&Confidential Information")
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        Caption = '&Confidential Information';
                        Image = Lock;
                        Promoted = true;
                        PromotedCategory = Category5;
                        PromotedIsBig = true;
                        RunObject = Page "Confidential Information";
                        RunPageLink = "Employee No." = FIELD("No.");
                        ToolTip = 'Open the list of any confidential information that is registered for the employee.';
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        Caption = 'Q&ualifications';
                        Image = Certificate;
                        Promoted = true;
                        PromotedCategory = Category5;
                        RunObject = Page "Employee Qualifications";
                        RunPageLink = "Employee No." = FIELD("No.");
                        ToolTip = 'Open the list of qualifications that are registered for the employee.';
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        Caption = 'A&bsences';
                        Image = Absence;
                        Promoted = true;
                        PromotedCategory = Category5;
                        PromotedIsBig = true;
                        RunObject = Page "Employee Absences";
                        RunPageLink = "Employee No." = FIELD("No.");
                        ToolTip = 'View absence information for the employee.';
                    action("Absences by Ca&tegories")
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        Caption = 'Absences by Ca&tegories';
                        Image = AbsenceCategory;
                        RunObject = Page "Empl. Absences by Categories";
                        RunPageLink = "No." = FIELD("No."),
                                      "Employee No. Filter" = FIELD("No.");
                        ToolTip = 'View categorized absence information for the employee.';
                    action("Misc. Articles &Overview")
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        Caption = 'Misc. Articles &Overview';
                        Image = FiledOverview;
                        RunObject = Page "Misc. Articles Overview";
                        ToolTip = 'View miscellaneous articles that are registered for the employee.';
                    action("Co&nfidential Info. Overview")
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        Caption = 'Co&nfidential Info. Overview';
                        Image = ConfidentialOverview;
                        RunObject = Page "Confidential Info. Overview";
                        ToolTip = 'View confidential information that is registered for the employee.';
                    action("Ledger E&ntries")
                        ApplicationArea = BasicHR;
                        Caption = 'Ledger E&ntries';
                        Image = VendorLedger;
                        Promoted = true;
                        PromotedCategory = Category4;
                        PromotedIsBig = true;
                        RunObject = Page "Employee Ledger Entries";
                        RunPageLink = "Employee No." = FIELD("No.");
                        RunPageView = SORTING("Employee No.")
                        ShortCutKey = 'Ctrl F7';
                        ToolTip = 'View the history of transactions that have been posted for the selected record.';
                        ApplicationArea = All;
                        Caption = 'Attachments';
                        Image = Attach;
                        Promoted = true;
                        PromotedCategory = Category4;
                        ToolTip = 'Add a file as an attachment. You can attach images as well as documents.';
                        trigger OnAction()
                            DocumentAttachmentDetails: Page "Document Attachment Details";
                            RecRef: RecordRef;
                        ApplicationArea = BasicHR;
                        Caption = 'Pay Employee';
                        Image = SuggestVendorPayments;
                        Promoted = true;
                        PromotedCategory = Process;
                        PromotedIsBig = true;
                        RunObject = Page "Employee Ledger Entries";
                        RunPageLink = "Employee No." = FIELD("No."),
                                      "Remaining Amount" = FILTER(< 0),
                                      "Applies-to ID" = FILTER('');
                        ToolTip = 'View employee ledger entries for the record with remaining amount that have not been paid yet.';
                        ApplicationArea = RelationshipMgmt;
                        Caption = 'Contact';
                        Image = ContactPerson;
                        Promoted = true;
                        PromotedCategory = Category5;
                        PromotedIsBig = true;
                        ToolTip = 'View or edit detailed information about the contact person at the employee.';
                        trigger OnAction()
                            ContBusRel: Record "Contact Business Relation";
                            Contact: Record Contact;
                            if ContBusRel.FindByRelation(ContBusRel."Link to Table"::Employee, "No.") then begin
                                Contact.Get(ContBusRel."Contact No.");
                                Page.Run(Page::"Contact Card", Contact);
                    Caption = 'History';
                    Image = History;
                    action("Sent Emails")
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        Caption = 'Sent Emails';
                        Image = ShowList;
                        ToolTip = 'View a list of emails that you have sent to this employee.';
                        Visible = EmailImprovementFeatureEnabled;
                        trigger OnAction()
                            Email: Codeunit Email;
                            Email.OpenSentEmails(Database::Employee, Rec.SystemId);
                    Caption = 'F&unctions';
                    Image = "Action";
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        Caption = 'Apply Template';
                        Ellipsis = true;
                        Image = ApplyTemplate;
                        ToolTip = 'Apply a template to update the entity with your standard settings for a certain type of entity.';
                        trigger OnAction()
                            EmployeeTemplMgt: Codeunit "Employee Templ. Mgt.";
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        Caption = 'Save as Template';
                        Ellipsis = true;
                        Image = Save;
                        ToolTip = 'Save the employee card as a template that can be reused to create new employee cards. Employee templates contain preset information to help you fill fields on employee cards.';
                        trigger OnAction()
                            EmployeeTemplMgt: Codeunit "Employee Templ. Mgt.";
                    ApplicationArea = All;
                    Caption = 'Send Email';
                    Image = Email;
                    ToolTip = 'Send an email to this employee.';
                    Promoted = true;
                    PromotedCategory = Process;
                    trigger OnAction()
                        TempEmailItem: Record "Email Item" temporary;
                        EmailScenario: Enum "Email Scenario";
                        TempEmailItem.AddSourceDocument(Database::Employee, Rec.SystemId);
                        if Rec."Company E-Mail" <> '' then
                            TempEmailitem."Send to" := Rec."Company E-Mail"
                            TempEmailitem."Send to" := Rec."E-Mail";
                        TempEmailItem.Send(false, EmailScenario::Default);
        trigger OnOpenPage()
            EmailFeature: Codeunit "Email Feature";
            IsCountyVisible := FormatAddress.UseCounty("Country/Region Code");
            EmailImprovementFeatureEnabled := EmailFeature.IsEnabled();
        trigger OnNewRecord(BelowxRec: Boolean)
            DocumentNoVisibility: Codeunit DocumentNoVisibility;
            if GuiAllowed then
                if "No." = '' then
                    if DocumentNoVisibility.EmployeeNoSeriesIsDefault() then
                        NewMode := true;
        trigger OnAfterGetCurrRecord()
            Employee: Record Employee;
            EmployeeTemplMgt: Codeunit "Employee Templ. Mgt.";
            if not NewMode then
            NewMode := false;
            if EmployeeTemplMgt.InsertEmployeeFromTemplate(Employee) then begin
            end else
                if EmployeeTemplMgt.TemplatesAreNotEmpty() then
            ShowMapLbl: Label 'Show on Map';
            FormatAddress: Codeunit "Format Address";
            NoFieldVisible: Boolean;
            IsCountyVisible: Boolean;
            NewMode: Boolean;
            EmailImprovementFeatureEnabled: Boolean;
        local procedure SetNoFieldVisible()
            DocumentNoVisibility: Codeunit DocumentNoVisibility;
            NoFieldVisible := DocumentNoVisibility.EmployeeNoIsVisible();

  • Verified answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 75,561 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    RE: How to add subform to an existing page

    Hi, for adding subform, you can refer to the sales order.

    page 42 "Sales Order":


    page 46 "Sales Order Subform":


    But there is still a big problem with your requirements, that is, there is no direct relationship between Employee and Role in BC. Related to the role is the users.



    User Group and User Permission Sets:


    You first need to link employees and users in order to do this.


    Hope this helps.



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