Hi Everyone
For our customer we're receiving the following issue: When we're trying to load the list of domains, we get an error message.
We got this error since we've changed the URL of our Dynamics Environment. It looks like this:
I tried to retrieve the domains trough Advanced Find. Same error here. However, this time we get a log file:
Log file content:
Unhandled exception: Exception type: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault] Message: Exception 'InvalidPluginExecutionException' occured: There's a problem communicating with the server. Please try again. , CorrelationId: 5da59574-46e8-4a11-8cc8-923dadaa1808Detail: 45b00625-c86c-4a22-b724-cf5fb1d56b72 -2147220891 OperationStatus 0 SubErrorCode -2146233088 http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=398563&error=Microsoft.Crm.CrmException:80040265&client=platform Exception 'InvalidPluginExecutionException' occured: There's a problem communicating with the server. Please try again. , CorrelationId: 5da59574-46e8-4a11-8cc8-923dadaa1808 2021-03-24T12:53:46.7945533Z false [Microsoft.Dynamics.Crm.MarketingPlugins: Microsoft.Dynamics.Crm.MarketingPlugins.Plugins.DomainSetup.RetrieveDomainPlugin] [263e2e56-601f-4fcc-8ff1-d99229500924: Microsoft.Dynamics.Crm.MarketingPlugins.Plugins.DomainSetup.RetrieveDomainPlugin: RetrieveMultiple of msdyncrm_setupdomain] 2021-03-24T12:53:40.9604819Z :: RetrieveDomainStrategy - starting... User language is: 1033 2021-03-24T12:53:46.6948772Z :: HTTP request failed with exception 'The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.' 2021-03-24T12:53:46.6948772Z :: Disconnected organization response received. Status code NotFound 2021-03-24T12:53:46.6948772Z :: Logging exception with Message:Disconnected organization response received. Begin: GetLocalizedMessage Retrieving localized message using the user language User language is: 1033 User language is the same as default language: 1033 Retrieving localized message using the default language Begin: RetrieveJsonWebResourceByName, languageCode: 1033 Webresources returned from server. Count: 1 End: RetrieveJsonWebResourceByName , webresourcePath: msdyncrm_/Localizations/DynamicsMarketing.plugins1033 Message value: There's a problem communicating with the server. Please try again. End: GetLocalizedMessage, message: There's a problem communicating with the server. Please try again. 2021-03-24T12:53:46.7730158Z :: Exception 'InvalidPluginExecutionException' occured: There's a problem communicating with the server. Please try again. , CorrelationId: 5da59574-46e8-4a11-8cc8-923dadaa1808
Anyone else experienced this issue?
Thanks a lot in advance!
Kind regards
Sven V.
Thank you for your answer. It helped me to expand my knowledge on the issue!
Best Regards,
It turned out that it's not allowed to change an URL for a Dynamics Marketing environemnt.
See official documentation here.
In the end we had no other solution then re-installing Dynamics Marketing
Kind regards
Sven V.
I wasn't able to reproduce your problem, the only thing I can say for sure is that your Error Code can be converted to 0x80040265.
I have done some searching and there is a lot of feedback from users with the same Error Code problem, but there is no very effective solution.
Here is a documentation about debugging a plug-In
Debug a plug-In | Microsoft Docs
In addition to the plug-In, it is also recommended that you see if there is a workflow or BPF for this part, and if so, try deactivating them first.
If the problem persists, please create a ticket for MS to request more help.
Best Regards,
Hi Nya, thank you for your prompt reply.
We don't have any custom Plugins registered on this entity. The error thrown is from an out-of-the-box Microsoft Plugin.
Kind regards
Sven V.
Hi Sven,
Before you changed your URL of your Dynamics Environment, have you registered any custom plug-ins with Plugin Registration tool?
If so, try to re-register them and select the new Organization Name you set.
If this helped you, I'd appreciate it if you'd mark this as a Verified Answer, which may in turn help others as well.
Best Regards,
André Arnaud de Cal...
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Martin Dráb
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