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Can't load or Create Domains (Domain authentication): There's a problem communicating with the server

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Hi Everyone

For our customer we're receiving the following issue: When we're trying to load the list of domains, we get an error message. 

  • "There's a problem communicating with the server"

We got this error since we've changed the URL of our Dynamics Environment. It looks like this: 


I tried to retrieve the domains trough Advanced Find. Same error here. However, this time we get a log file: 


Log file content:

Unhandled exception: 
Exception type: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault]
Message: Exception 'InvalidPluginExecutionException' occured: There's a problem communicating with the server. Please try again. , CorrelationId: 5da59574-46e8-4a11-8cc8-923dadaa1808Detail: 


  Exception 'InvalidPluginExecutionException' occured: There's a problem communicating with the server. Please try again. , CorrelationId: 5da59574-46e8-4a11-8cc8-923dadaa1808

[Microsoft.Dynamics.Crm.MarketingPlugins: Microsoft.Dynamics.Crm.MarketingPlugins.Plugins.DomainSetup.RetrieveDomainPlugin]
[263e2e56-601f-4fcc-8ff1-d99229500924: Microsoft.Dynamics.Crm.MarketingPlugins.Plugins.DomainSetup.RetrieveDomainPlugin: RetrieveMultiple of msdyncrm_setupdomain]

	2021-03-24T12:53:40.9604819Z :: RetrieveDomainStrategy - starting...
	User language is: 1033
	2021-03-24T12:53:46.6948772Z :: HTTP request failed with exception 'The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.'
	2021-03-24T12:53:46.6948772Z :: Disconnected organization response received. Status code NotFound
	2021-03-24T12:53:46.6948772Z :: Logging exception with Message:Disconnected organization response received.
	Begin: GetLocalizedMessage
	Retrieving localized message using the user language
	User language is: 1033
	User language is the same as default language: 1033
	Retrieving localized message using the default language
	Begin: RetrieveJsonWebResourceByName, languageCode: 1033
	Webresources returned from server. Count: 1
	End: RetrieveJsonWebResourceByName , webresourcePath: msdyncrm_/Localizations/DynamicsMarketing.plugins1033
	Message value: There's a problem communicating with the server. Please try again.  
	End: GetLocalizedMessage, message: There's a problem communicating with the server. Please try again. 
	2021-03-24T12:53:46.7730158Z :: Exception 'InvalidPluginExecutionException' occured: There's a problem communicating with the server. Please try again. , CorrelationId: 5da59574-46e8-4a11-8cc8-923dadaa1808

Anyone else experienced this issue? 

Thanks a lot in advance!

Kind regards
Sven V. 

  • Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: Can't load or Create Domains (Domain authentication): There's a problem communicating with the server

    Thank you for your answer. It helped me to expand my knowledge on the issue!

    Best Regards,


  • Suggested answer
    Sven Vervynckt Profile Picture
    Sven Vervynckt 112 on at
    RE: Can't load or Create Domains (Domain authentication): There's a problem communicating with the server

    It turned out that it's not allowed to change an URL for a Dynamics Marketing environemnt. 

    See official documentation here.

    In the end we had no other solution then re-installing Dynamics Marketing

    Kind regards

    Sven V. 

  • Suggested answer
    Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: Can't load or Create Domains (Domain authentication): There's a problem communicating with the server


    I wasn't able to reproduce your problem, the only thing I can say for sure is that your Error Code can be converted to 0x80040265.

    I have done some searching and there is a lot of feedback from users with the same Error Code problem, but there is no very effective solution.

    Here is a documentation about debugging a plug-In

    Debug a plug-In | Microsoft Docs


    In addition to the plug-In, it is also recommended that you see if there is a workflow or BPF for this part, and if so, try deactivating them first.


    If the problem persists, please create a ticket for MS to request more help.


    Best Regards,


  • Sven Vervynckt Profile Picture
    Sven Vervynckt 112 on at
    RE: Can't load or Create Domains (Domain authentication): There's a problem communicating with the server

    Hi Nya, thank you for your prompt reply.

    We don't have any custom Plugins registered on this entity. The error thrown is from an out-of-the-box Microsoft Plugin.

    Kind regards

    Sven V.

  • Suggested answer
    Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: Can't load or Create Domains (Domain authentication): There's a problem communicating with the server

    Hi Sven,

    Before you changed your URL of your Dynamics Environment, have you registered any custom plug-ins with Plugin Registration tool?

    If so, try to re-register them and select the new Organization Name you set.


    If this helped you, I'd appreciate it if you'd mark this as a Verified Answer, which may in turn help others as well.

    Best Regards,


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