RE: POS Crashing and won't open
We've seen this in 4 scenarios;
1) Employee double clicks on the Taskbar icon or triple clicks on the Desktop icon and RMS attempts to start twice.
2) Employee turns off the machine while POS is still running, usually minimized.
3) Hibernate is enabled and then power off while POS is still running.
The first is employee training, second and third is to not allow POS to be minimized, in Ctrl+ F6 | Transaction Screen tab | Window button | un-check "Show re-sizable border"
while POS is running normally, open Regedit | go to:
32 bit - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Retail Management System\Store Operations\POSUser\Display
64 bit - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Retail Management System\Store Operations\POSUser\Display
and change the Permissions to Read only for everyone
4) the POS _really_ did crash on exit.