Hi Guys,
I am new to BC AL and have been struggling with a field in a new table for a few days now.
What i want to do is to have a drop down list of all categories that corresponds with the previous field values, this does work but when i select my option it always returns the 1st value and not the one that I have selected.
Please see an example below:
1. Here I am entering all the details, based on the QA Questionnaire selection /FOOD/ i get 2 options in the last field /ASH/ and /BEST Before/. My problem is even if i select best before it still returns the 1st value (ASH) This is the code in my table:
field(50006; APTRRC_QAQuestionCategory; Code[100])
Caption = 'QA Question Category';
DataClassification = ToBeClassified;
// TableRelation = /QA Questionnaire Line/./QA Question Category Code/ Where(/QA Questionnaire Code/ = field(APTRRC_QAQuestionnaire));
TableRelation = /QA Questionnaire Line/ Where(/QA Questionnaire Code/ = field(APTRRC_QAQuestionnaire));
trigger OnValidate()
QACode: Record /QA Questionnaire Line/;
QACode.SetRange(QACode./QA Questionnaire Code/, APTRRC_QAQuestionnaire);
//if QACode.FindFirst() then begin
if QACode.FindSet() then begin
APTRRC_QAQuestionCategory := QACode./QA Question Category Code/;
Now when I change the table relation to the following it seems to want to return the correct value that I have selected but then I get the following error below the code:
TableRelation = /QA Questionnaire Line/./QA Question Category Code/ Where(/QA Questionnaire Code/ = field(APTRRC_QAQuestionnaire));
I cannot change the primary key as this table is locked for editing.
In my new page for the table the code is as below:
How can get the correct value that I am selecting?
Thanks for the assistance in advance