Hi so i need to know why this is not working.It's running the alert but not applying the web-resource's.
function DatePrev(rowdata, userLCID) { var DateNow = Date.now(); var dataJSON = JSON.parse(rowdata); var DatePredictionString = dataJSON.new_previsao; var imgName = ""; var tooltip = ""; if (DatePredictionString != null || DatePredictionString != undefined) { var DatePrediction = Date.parse(DatePredictionString); if (DatePrediction > DateNow) { imgName = "new_warningDate"; } else{ alert("here");
imgName = "new_successdate"; } } var resultarray = [imgName,tooltip]; return resultarray; }
So i m reading this
https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg328457.aspx#BKMK_EditColumns ,i'm using read-only grid by default i set the web resource new_warning and sucess as jpeg and i set to the column the web-resource.BTW it's possible to apply css like color???
It's running but not applying the image.
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