I want to use the classes /AxLedgerJournalTable/ and /AxLedgerJournalTrans/ in d365 for some customization but i could not find it.. does it renamed in d365 so any help please..
Could not find AxLedgerJournalTable class in d365fo
When you say "to transfer journals from my table to LedgerJournalTable", do you mean that you want to create a new ledger journal based on data in another table? Do you have a particular journal type in mind? Or do you even want to create a completely new journal type?
There are multiple ways to create a journal, the easiest one may be using MCRLedgerJournal class, if it meets your requirements.
Could not find AxLedgerJournalTable class in d365fo
Moved from D365 general forum to the Finance forum.
What business logic are you trying to implement? With that knowledge, we may be able to tell us you right way in F&O.
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