Recently when looking at marketing e-mail insights statistics we discovered that a contact is blocked because of "Contact deleted".
What does it mean and why is it showing up?
We can open the contact and its also active. When looking at the timeline of the contact we observe, that the contact receives e-mails and sometimes creates open events but before and after it says contact deleted.
Any hint appreciated, see screenshots.
Hi Simon,
Thank you for reporting the issue.
"Contact deleted" category represents all the emails which got blocked, due to the fact that recipients of these emails have been deleted in the meantime (i.e. after the journey has started, but before sending this particular email).
If it doesn't work like this in your case, please create a support ticket (with all the necessary information) and we will investigate the issue.
Thank you,
Thanks for your efforts!
We will try to create a new contact (and merge with the old one) and see if we can fix it.
Hi Simon,
I have tried to reproduce your issue but no luck.
Test 1: I changed contact's firstname and lastname and email address by opening subscription center in first email, then the contact was removed from segment due to he no longer met criteria,
but second email could be still delivered to the new mailbox, and Dynamics still recognizes contact with new information as previous contact record.
Test 2:
Once the customer journey went live, I deleted member in segment.
However, Insights data still show that email has been delivered, meanwhile the Contact name value became empty.
In a word, my tests are based on definition of the interaction "Contact deleted", currently I couldn't make progress by following its description.
You could wait for some time to confirm whether the issue would be a temporary bug if contact who has this interaction in her timeline could still receive email for her,
or open a support ticket for better help.
Hi Clofly,
Thanks for the link to the reasons.
We would have to contact the person directly, to find out if she received e-mail newsletters. Can not tell you right now. Currently we only observe this behavior for this 1 contact.
All other emails sent (50.000 per month) work fine.
I guess this would be a support ticket then?
Hi Simon,
Could this contact still receive marketing email regardless of blocking reason?
According to definition of the reason:
The target segment included a contact that has since been deleted.
But it seems that your situation is not related to it.
Does this problem exist among other contacts?
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