I have a procedure to call the codeunit for posting the sales order as shipped.
I have exposed it as an API and called it through Power Automate
but i got the below error.
"Item Jnl.-Post Line"(CodeUnit 22).ApplyItemLedgEntry line 77 - Base Application by Microsoft "Item Jnl.-Post Line"(CodeUnit 22).ItemQtyPosting line 31 - Base Application by Microsoft "Item Jnl.-Post Line"(CodeUnit 22).PostItem line 62 - Base Application by Microsoft "Item Jnl.-Post Line"(CodeUnit 22).Code line 134 - Base Application by Microsoft "Item Jnl.-Post Line"(CodeUnit 22).PostSplitJnlLine line 12 - Base Application by Microsoft "Item Jnl.-Post Line"(CodeUnit 22).RunWithCheck line 16 - Base Application by Microsoft "Sales-Post"(CodeUnit 80).RunItemJnlPostLine line 2 - Base Application by Microsoft "Sales-Post"(CodeUnit 80).PostItemJnlLine line 31 - Base Application by Microsoft "Sales-Post"(CodeUnit 80).PostItemLine line 56 - Base Application by Microsoft "Sales-Post"(CodeUnit 80).PostSalesLine line 79 - Base Application by Microsoft "Sales-Post"(CodeUnit 80).OnRun(Trigger) line 123 - Base Application by Microsoft "Sales-Post (Yes/No)"(CodeUnit 81).RunSalesPost line 12 - Base Application by Microsoft "Sales-Post (Yes/No)"(CodeUnit 81).Code line 25 - Base Application by Microsoft "Sales-Post (Yes/No)"(CodeUnit 81).OnRun(Trigger) line 10 - Base Application by Microsoft "Sales Header"(Table 36).SendToPosting line 12 - Base Application by Microsoft "Sales Order"(Page 42).PostSalesOrder line 10 - Base Application by Microsoft "Sales Order"(Page 42)."Post - OnAction"(Trigger) line 2 - Base Application by Microsoft
Any answer or suggestions to overcome this issue?