how to get vendor statistics back on my vendor ribbon
how to get vendor statistics back on my vendor ribbon
Yes, as YUN ZHU suggested the shortcut F7 works!
Hi, If it is not a permission problem, there is a shortcut key F7, you can directly open statistics.
Hope this helps as well.
if you or someone else hasn't removed it through personalization. you need also check and play with user profile to find one that has that by default
Initially: you can see the statistics action here
Let's say I have removed it accidentally:
To get this back follow below steps:
* Click on setting gear
* Select Personalize
* Before Done button you will see an option called "Clear Personalization" --> click on that and choose "Only Action" for your case
* Click OK
Result: Statistics back on ribbon
Waiting for your like, looks I gave you what you were looking for
Go to the setting gear and chose personalization and see if you if it is hidden in the menu so you can make it visible again.
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