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Small and medium business | Business Central, N...
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Transfer order between Advance Warehouses

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I am completely messed up with this.

I have both locations with 'Directed putway and pick' and I want to transfer items.

Can anyone tell me the steps involved in it?

  • Suggested answer
    DAnny3211 Profile Picture
    DAnny3211 9,274 Moderator on at
    RE: Transfer order between Advance Warehouses


    try these steps:

    Create a Transfer Order: Go to the "Transfer Orders" page in Business Central and create a new transfer order for the items you want to transfer. Enter the necessary information such as the origin and destination locations, the quantity of items to be transferred and any other relevant details.

    Assign Inventory: Once the transfer order is created, assign inventory to the transfer order by going to the "Item Availability" page and selecting the transfer order. Make sure you assign the correct amount of inventory to the order.

    Item picking: Go to the "Picking" worksheet and select the transfer order. The worksheet will show you the items that need to be picked and their quantities. Choose the items from the origin location and confirm the pick up.

    Ship Items: After picking the items, go to the "Ship" worksheet and select the transfer order. The worksheet will show you the items that need to be shipped and their quantities. Ship the items to the place of destination and confirm the shipment.

    Receive Items: Once the items have been shipped, navigate to the "Receive" spreadsheet at the destination location and select the transfer order. The spreadsheet will show you the items that need to be received and their quantities. Receive the items and confirm receipt.

    Record Transfer Order: Finally, go to the Transfer Order page and record the transfer order. This will update the inventory levels in both the source and destination locations


  • Suggested answer
    KasparsSemjonovs Profile Picture
    KasparsSemjonovs 4,057 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: Transfer order between Advance Warehouses

    If You want just to move items - You can use "Warehouse Reclassification Journal"

    If You want to transfer item, which involves actual logistics and involved employees, then You can do this via Transfer orders.
    In this case, it would be:
    Outbound:  Transfer Order --> Create Warehouse Shipment --> Create Warehouse Pick --> Register Whse. Pick --> Register Whse. Shipment
    Inbound: from this Transfer Order --> create Whse. Receipt --> Create Put away --> Register Put-away --> Register Whse Receipt

  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 77,855 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: Transfer order between Advance Warehouses

    Hi, have you tried Item Reclassification Journals?


    Hope this helps.



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