pageextension 50100 CharOfA extends /Chart of Accounts/{ actions { addfirst(processing) { action(Test) { Caption = 'Post something'; ApplicationArea = all; trigger OnAction() var GLPost: Codeunit /Gen. Jnl.-Post Line/; Line: Record /Gen. Journal Line/; begin Line.Init(); Line./Posting Date/ := TODAY(); Line./Document Type/ := Line./Document Type/::/ /; Line./Document No./ := 'X000004'; Line./Account Type/ := Line./Account Type/::/G/L Account/; Line./Account No./ := '10910'; Line.Description := 'Youtube Testing'; Line.Amount := 70; // Line./Bal. Account Type/ := LIne./Bal. Account Type/::/G/L Account/; // Line./Bal. Account No./ := '10920'; GLPost.RunWithCheck(Line); end; } } }}
The transaction cannot be completed because it will cause inconsistencies in the G/L Entry table. Check where and how the CONSISTENT function is used in the transaction to find the reason for the error.
Contact your system administrator.
Tables can be marked as inconsistent during comprehensive tasks, such as posting. This prevents data from being updated incorrectly.
Internal session ID:
Application Insights session ID:
Client activity id:
Time stamp on error:
User telemetry id:
Please help me to resolve.