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Microsoft Dynamics GP forum

Unable to create a new company

Posted on by 3,235


I'm no more able to create a new company. It hangs at the step 'Creating Company Information'.

Previously I was able to create a new company without any problem.

I'm using GP10 SP5.

I re-installed the application but still the same issue. I changed the server but still the same.

I created a new company ID but still  I have the same issue.

Can you please help me?


  • Imad Kassoumah Profile Picture
    Imad Kassoumah 3,235 on at
    RE: Unable to create a new company

    Hi Richad,

    Thanks a lot.

  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,730 on at
    RE: Unable to create a new company

    If you have a new DYNAMICS database you will need to correct the note index field in the SY01500 table.  Run this script against your comapny database(s).


    ** FindMaxNoteIndex.SQL


    ** Purpose:


    ** Find the max value of NOTEINDX from all tables.


    ** This script must be run against the company in which the notes are incorrect.

    ** it will automatically update your SY01500 for you to the correct next note index.


    ** Modified by MRO


    if exists (select * from tempdb..sysobjects where name = '##GPSMaxNote')

    drop table dbo.##GPSMaxNote

    set nocount on

    create table ##GPSMaxNote (MaxNoteIndex numeric(19,5) null)


    declare @cStatement varchar(255) /* Value from the t_cursor */

    declare @noteidx numeric(19,5)

    declare @database as varchar(5)

    set @database = cast(db_name() as varchar(5))

    /* Get the tables that have a column name of NOTEINDX. */

    declare T_cursor cursor for

    select 'declare @NoteIndex numeric(19,5) select @NoteIndex = max(NOTEINDX) from ' + + ' insert ##GPSMaxNote values(@NoteIndex)'

        from sysobjects o, syscolumns c

        where =

           and o.type = 'U'

           and = 'NOTEINDX'

    /* Ok, we have the list of tables.  Now get the max value of NOTEINDX from each table. */

    open T_cursor

    fetch next from T_cursor into @cStatement

    while (@@fetch_status <> -1)


      exec (@cStatement)

      fetch next from T_cursor into @cStatement


    deallocate T_cursor

    select 'Max Note Index:', max(MaxNoteIndex) from ##GPSMaxNote where MaxNoteIndex is not null

    use DYNAMICS

    set @noteidx = (select max(MaxNoteIndex) from ##GPSMaxNote where MaxNoteIndex is not null)

    update SY01500 set NOTEINDX = (@noteidx + 1.0) where INTERID=@database

    set nocount off

  • Verified answer
    Imad Kassoumah Profile Picture
    Imad Kassoumah 3,235 on at
    RE: Unable to create a new company


    Finally I found the problem.

    I was not able to create a new company because DYNAMICS was corrupted. So, I created a new DYNAMICS and restored our company db. I faced problems with the account format. I discovered that the account format  while creating DYNAMICS for some reasons is 45 length and 5 segments rather than 66 length and 10 segments. So, I recreated DYNAMICS with the format 66 length and 10 segments. I re-installed our company  

    db and every thing went smoothly.

    Anyway I thank every body helped me.

    Imad Kassoumah.

  • Suggested answer
    soma Profile Picture
    soma 24,406 on at
    RE: Unable to create a new company

    I was not facing this type of issue previously. Anyway I think this is related to database version compatibility. Have a look on below link.

    Hope this helps!!!

  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Unable to create a new company


    To resolve the error. "A get/change first operation on table 'ASI_MSTR_Explorer_Favorites' cannot find the table."

    Please check the below link.

  • Imad Kassoumah Profile Picture
    Imad Kassoumah 3,235 on at
    RE: Unable to create a new company

    Hi Soma,





  • soma Profile Picture
    soma 24,406 on at
    RE: Unable to create a new company

    What problems did you faced in Smartlist? If you mention the issue, i will try to help you to resolve.

  • Imad Kassoumah Profile Picture
    Imad Kassoumah 3,235 on at
    RE: Unable to create a new company

    Hi Soma,

    I tried this and I was able to create a new company successfully. Then I restored the company but I faced several problems in GL mainly the account format. I was able to solve them. I faced problems in Smartlist but I was not able to solve.

    This is why I think that there is some issues in Dynamics DB.


  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Unable to create a new company


    Have you tried to create a new DYNAMICS? If creating a new DYNAMICS and then creating a new company works with no issues then it should be a record in your current DYNAMICS database preventing the company from being registered, this will guide you where to start looking.

  • Imad Kassoumah Profile Picture
    Imad Kassoumah 3,235 on at
    RE: Unable to create a new company

    Hi Soma,

    I mentioned GP10 sp5


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