If you have a new DYNAMICS database you will need to correct the note index field in the SY01500 table. Run this script against your comapny database(s).
** FindMaxNoteIndex.SQL
** Purpose:
** Find the max value of NOTEINDX from all tables.
** This script must be run against the company in which the notes are incorrect.
** it will automatically update your SY01500 for you to the correct next note index.
** Modified by MRO
if exists (select * from tempdb..sysobjects where name = '##GPSMaxNote')
drop table dbo.##GPSMaxNote
set nocount on
create table ##GPSMaxNote (MaxNoteIndex numeric(19,5) null)
declare @cStatement varchar(255) /* Value from the t_cursor */
declare @noteidx numeric(19,5)
declare @database as varchar(5)
set @database = cast(db_name() as varchar(5))
/* Get the tables that have a column name of NOTEINDX. */
declare T_cursor cursor for
select 'declare @NoteIndex numeric(19,5) select @NoteIndex = max(NOTEINDX) from ' + o.name + ' insert ##GPSMaxNote values(@NoteIndex)'
from sysobjects o, syscolumns c
where o.id = c.id
and o.type = 'U'
and c.name = 'NOTEINDX'
/* Ok, we have the list of tables. Now get the max value of NOTEINDX from each table. */
open T_cursor
fetch next from T_cursor into @cStatement
while (@@fetch_status <> -1)
exec (@cStatement)
fetch next from T_cursor into @cStatement
deallocate T_cursor
select 'Max Note Index:', max(MaxNoteIndex) from ##GPSMaxNote where MaxNoteIndex is not null
set @noteidx = (select max(MaxNoteIndex) from ##GPSMaxNote where MaxNoteIndex is not null)
update SY01500 set NOTEINDX = (@noteidx + 1.0) where INTERID=@database
set nocount off