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Session Id :
Supply chain | Supply Chain Management, Commerce

Bill of Material Base Data Copy

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Hi all
I am trying to copy a BOM Version Base Data to another BOM, but when I copy, I get a warning message that says. ''
Field 'Formula version' must be filled in.''.
How is the formula version related to BOM? Also, I have searched for this field, and I didn't find anything.
  • CU15051611-0 Profile Picture
    CU15051611-0 on at
    Bill of Material Base Data Copy
    I am having a similar issue.
    Have your been able to find the root cause and fix it?
  • Bill of Material Base Data Copy
    Hi Hana,
    No, we don't have any customizations related to formula versions as my company business needs do not require the use of Formula.
    Thanks for providing this link, I will dig into this.
  • Bill of Material Base Data Copy
    Hi Kevin,
    I have already exported entities for BOM and Formulas looking for this field, I did find this field in Formula entities but not in BOM entities.
    I think I will get back to the partner to confirm the location of this field.
  • Kevin Xia Profile Picture
    Kevin Xia Microsoft Employee on at
    Bill of Material Base Data Copy
    You will be asked to fill in this field, which may be a required field, and the system will use it to distinguish between records. You should confirm the location of the field in the system and the table in which it is stored.
    Or you can use a data management framework for data import, you can refer to this official documentation: Data management overview - Finance & Operations | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn.
    Best regards,
  • Hana Xue Profile Picture
    Hana Xue Microsoft Employee on at
    Bill of Material Base Data Copy
    A formula is a subtype of BOM that is typically used for process manufacturing. In addition to components and ingredients, a formula describes co-products and by-products. In the actual version, the definition of co-products and by-products for the formula requires the formula version. To relate a specific BOM or formula to a product variant that can be produced, you must create a BOM version or formula version. Are there formula version related customizations in your system? You can also check out the content about copying the BOM: Introduction - Training | Microsoft Learn
    Best Regards,


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