I have an entity LeaveType with two attributes, 1. Type, 2. Available Days, where Type is an optionset and Available days is a text field. I want to fetch all such LeaveType records where the Type = 'Annual' selected in the optionset. I am not able to find how to add a filter the query expression for the option set value. Below is my in progress method:
public Entity Getleavetype(Guid LeaveDetailsId, IOrganizationService _orgService, CodeActivityContext Acontext) { QueryExpression GetLeavedetails = new QueryExpression(); GetLeavedetails.EntityName = "sgfdhr_leavetype"; GetLeavedetails.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("new_type"); GetLeavedetails.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("new_availabledays"); GetLeavedetails.Criteria.AddCondition("new_type", ConditionOperator.Equal, "Annual" ); //Is this correct???? GetLeavedetails.Criteria.AddCondition("new_employeeleavecalculation", ConditionOperator.Equal, LeaveDetailsId); //ignore this //((OptionSetValue)LeaveDetailsId["new_leavetype"]).Value EntityCollection LeaveDetails = _orgService.RetrieveMultiple(GetLeavedetails); return LeaveDetails[0]; }
Please advise.
Fahad Ali Shaikh
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