I have VB.NET custom screen in sl 2011. when a new record is saving, error 6908 shows up complaining one of the drop down list.
Thanks in advance for any advices.
This is how list is populated
Dim strSource As String
serr5 = SqlFetch1(c5,
"SELECT * FROM pjcode WHERE code_type = 'xxxx'", bPJCODE)
strSource =
While serr5 = 0
strSource = strSource + (Trim(bPJCODE.code_value)) +
";" + Trim(bPJCODE.code_value_desc) + ","
serr5 = SFetch1(c5, bPJCODE)
End While
strSource = Mid(strSource, 1, Len(strSource) - 1)
Call SetProps(Me, cxiSource, cxiSource, PROP_CUSTLIST, strSource)
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