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Embed stars in Dynamic email for feedback

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Hi Friends,

I am creating a workflow which will send email to the customers when a case will be closed.

I am planning about embedding stars also in that email for feedback and to capture that in Dynamics.

Is it possible?

  • Suggested answer
    Pankaj Gogoi Profile Picture
    Pankaj Gogoi 3,177 on at
    RE: Embed stars in Dynamic email for feedback


    I would suggest using the Forms pro to capture feedback. Microsoft Forms Pro allows you to create and send surveys to your customers or employees and collect their valuable feedback about your products or services. Here are couple of links for reference.

    Send and Store Survey Responses

    Forms Pro

    Best Regards


  • Suggested answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Embed stars in Dynamic email for feedback

    Hi Partner,

    It is difficult to embed stars in email directly, however, you can design a stars widget by creating a custom portal page.

    In the email, we add the page URL and set ID/Case number as query parameter.

    After customer opening the rating page, we query that parameter from URL to update corresponding case record.

    Please refer to following steps for details of my solution.'

    Part 1: Flow

    Action 1. Create a flow, it will trigger on receiving of HTTP request.


    Add the request Body JSON Schema:

        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "caseid": {
                "type": "string"
            "score": {
                "type": "integer"

    We can use a sample payload to generate schema:


    Action 2: Retrieve the corresponding case record with parameters from request.


    Action 3: Security validation

    Only take further actions when length of result is greater than 0.

    Use following expression to get length of result:




    Action 4:

    Set the rating score of case:

    Note: You can create a custom whole number field to save rating score of case, in my demo, I just took description field of case as example.


    Action 5(the last, in Yes branch):

    Return a custom response to portal page.


    Part 2: Portal web page

    Create a web template, copy following code to the template. Then create a web page for it.

    (Replace the url property of ajax request with your owns url.)


    tick image

    Test process:

    1. Test customer received the email which contains page to submit rating.


    2. The case number will be included in URL as query parameter.


    3. Content of notification bar will change dynamically based on total stars.

    5 stars


    1 star


    4. After submission and before success of request, the widget will be overwritten by "loading...".


    5. Success


    6. Result


    In addition, you can add contact name as extra parameter for double protection, obviously, more actions are required to be added.

    The referred stars widget:



  • Suggested answer
    RE: Embed stars in Dynamic email for feedback


    Hope you are doing well.

    I don't think we have an option to embed stars directly in Dynamics Email.

    But you can consider using Customer Voice :

    A Rating type question asks respondents to rate their answer by using stars, numbers, or smiley symbols.

    Please let me know if the above helps!



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