Hello Everyone
I have been studying for the Power Platform Fundamentals exam and the CRM Fundamentals exam for a long while and I realised that I’m better off learning by practicing. The challenge is that I am not sure where to start.
Sure.. I can get the license and explore the platform however, without any scenarios or exercises.. it’s hard to get any real practice in. ( Interested in CRM Sales/Field Services/Sales)
I wanted to find out from anyone of you, how were you able to get moving towards enhancing your skills? Who can I talk to about gaining a real “workplace” experience with relevant “workplace” examples or simulations ? I can work on projects just so long as I can get the feel of exploring D365/PowerPlatform in a real way (as an implementer/consultant)
If not, what can I do that has worked for you?
Looking forward to hearing from you all.