Best option to handle the sample size and the linked quantity together via quality management and warehouse management together is to use the item sampling set for quantity specification "Full license plate"
This way every license plate gets a quality order, and every license plate will be handled using quality order works once the quality order processing is completed. I know it's not very efficient to process 20 quality orders for 20 license plates received but if you are looking for fully system driven movements than this is the option.
We did a smart customization to auto approve similar quality (Same Po/ Same Lot ID/ Same Batch / Same Date of receiving) orders if 1 is manually approved by the quality supervisor. (As for our customers system driven warehouses movements linked on quality decision was very important and they were not able to cope up with processing all quality order for received license plates) Phew!
Below is a short summary to survive this... If you receive 2 pallets
See my test
1 - I received one full pallet of 110 Pcs. Work and quality order is generated.
2 - I failed the quality order
3 - Quality order work generated to move the full pallet.
So, to conclude handle full license plates. Even if a small sample size fails it still means we need to block the original source pallet so better handle entire license plate.
1 - Create a PO
2 - Receive 5 Pallets
3 - System creates 5 quality order / license plate and system creates 5 quality sampling work to move them to QC
4 - Quality samples are taken from each pallet (Manual call how many they want to test, and condition is that once tested they are stored back on the license plate)
5 - Fail 5 Quality order - Work generated to move them Blocked locations.
Apart from this I have also handled quality where pallets are directly moved to warehouse rack with Inventory status QC on quality item sampling work due to space issues in QC department and later if quality order is passed the pallet sitting on the same location is now marked with inventory status available.
Only in case if quality order fails, we used to generate the quality order work to move the license plate from warehouse rack to blocked location and change inventory status to blocked. (All automated and system driven but only condition is to work with item sampling set for quantity specification "Full license plate")
Cheers :)