Hi, I want to allow my Dynamics Portal visitors to fill a form fields content with the CKEDITOR, so that they can use HTML tags (eg lists). When I initialize the CKEDITOR with htmlEncodeOutput: true, HTML-tags are encoded when submitting the form. This leds to the following problem: When I'm fetching the data with fechXML and display it with liquid in my Portal frontend, the HTML-tags are encoded and therefore not interpreted and displayed by the browser. How can I decode the HTML-tags? Is there some kind of liquid filter?
The alternative would be to not encode the HTML-tags. But when I try to save HTML code from a Portals form, the Portal outputs the following error:
ASP.NET has detected data in the request that is potentially dangerous because it might include HTML markup or script. The data might represent an attempt to compromise the security of your application, such as a cross-site scripting attack. If this type of input is appropriate in your application, you can include code in a web page to explicitly allow it. Exception Details: System.Web.HttpRequestValidationException: A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client (ctl00$ctl00$ContentContainer$MainContent$EntityControls$EntityFormControl$EntityFormControl_EntityFormView
Is it possible to deactivate the HTML Request Validation?
Thanks in advance for your help!
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