Is there a Smart List that can show what purchase orders are committed to a particular sales order/invoice?
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Is there a Smart List that can show what purchase orders are committed to a particular sales order/invoice?
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If you decide to create a custom report for this, you can use the code here as a start:
Not with the default SmartLists, no. The SOPNUMBE is not available from the PO and the POP Number is not available from Sales.
If you have SmartList Builder, or GP 2013 with SmartList Designer, then you could create the SmartList with the fields you need.
In smartlist, you can set filter to view the sales order/inovice committed to a purticular purchase orders.
1. Open smart list.
2. Expand Sales-->Sales Line Items and double click the astris symbol and add the columns purchasing status and dropship.
3. Set filter for purchasing status is not equal to none and need purchase.
4. Set filter for dropship is equal to 1.
5. Click ok to view the report, it will show the sales order/invoice committed to the purchasing orders.
Hope this helps!!!
André Arnaud de Cal...
Super User 2025 Season 1
Martin Dráb
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