Hi all
With the marketing module to go live with marketing pages, elevated privileges are required for the website entity
The website entity is an entity only available when there is a portal configuered for the environment
We want to have a custom role instead of the standard marketing role because we have our own privileges
Als we have an ALM procedure for our environments.
In the development environment we do not have a marketing D365 ADXportal activated because the costs are hudge 500 dollar pro month and therefore the website entity and the security privileges are not available
I raised a microsoft ticket and they told me that the only way is to get this entity is to install the new powerapps portal on every environment in the alm
Now I am looking at the pricing of the power apps portals and it is not very easy to find what the costs are and wil it activate the same entity as the OOB marketing portal?
Support gave me the solution in all ALM environments there has to be a portal activated
André Arnaud de Cal...
Super User 2025 Season 1
Martin Dráb
Most Valuable Professional